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Live Before You Die- Bon Jovi

热度 2已有 1608 次阅读22.2.2010 20:20 |

Bon Jovi - Live Before You Die

I was a little boy of 9 years old
The whole world in his hands
Trying to toss that ball across the yard
A game of catch with my old man
He would always say I’m sorry
Every time he had to leave
And I was much too young to understand
When he would say to me
When you’re young, you always think
The sun is going to shine
There will come a day when you have to say hello to Goodbye
Sit on down son take my hand
Look me in the eye
Take these words, promise me
You'll live before you die
I was barely seventeen, summer of seventy-nine
Already I was feeling like I was running out of time
I had this girl, we fell in love
or Should I say that she had me
Then one fateful night changed our lives
And made a memory
When you’re young, you always think
The sun is going to shine
There will come a day when you have to say hello to Goodbye
She laid me down, she took my hand
Looked me in the eye
And just before she kissed me she said
You got to live before we die
Live before you die
You learn to love, to live
You fight and you forgive
You learn what’s wrong and right
You Live before you die
I made mistakes, I caught some breaks
But I got no regrets
There’s some things I don’t remember
But one thing I don’t forget

When you’re young, you always think
The sun is going to shine
One day you’re going to have to say hello to Goodbye
Shout it out, let someone somewhere know you’re alive
Take these words wear them well
Live before you die
Live before you die
Live before you die
You learn to love, to live
You fight and you forgive
You face the darkest night
Just live before you die

发表评论 评论 (3 个评论)

回复 蓝帝狮 26.2.2010 16:39
回复 下雨的天空 26.2.2010 20:37
蓝帝狮: 喜欢邦乔飞
恩,很男人, 特别是他写的歌词我都很喜欢
回复 蓝帝狮 26.2.2010 20:38
下雨天: 恩,很男人, 特别是他写的歌词我都很喜欢

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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