德国开元华人社区 开元周游
标题: 招聘:大连,奥迪中国R&D外包岗位,招聘测试工程师一名... [打印本页]
作者: ky_014dc6f5e 时间: 14.4.2020 07:28
标题: 招聘:大连,奥迪中国R&D外包岗位,招聘测试工程师一名...
招聘:大连,奥迪中国R&D外包岗位,招聘测试工程师一名,薪资待遇您来定!招聘单位:三原易安机电工程服务有限公司长春分公司,负责人:李丽 18743071696, 微信号:lili192132,邮箱:
wei.zhang@yian-cc.com, 电话和微信联系均可,请注意时差,联系人目前坐标中国。
2.1. Project-specific work content
The Audi R&D Beijing / Audi R&D Dalian is the first comprehensive research and
development site of AUDI AG outside of Germany. China is the most important market of
Audi and home of engine plants producing the Audi 4-Cylinder engine, EA888. The Audi
China powertrain development department is a reliable partner to support the EA divisions
in Ingolstadt. The C/EA-1 team in China covers all relevant areas, such as EA888 products
of the powertrain.
For our current EA888 Gen3 engine we are planning new projects for: C6b with RDE Projects 350 bar (06TA / 06TB / 06TC / 06SA / 06SB)
For these projects C/EA-1 is looking for external support.
2.2. Required Qualification and technical know-how
The contractor ensures that he has the necessary qualification and technical know-how to
complete the scope. These include:
- Bachelor or Master Degree in Major Business Engineering, Mechanical Engineering,
Automotive Engineering or equivalent
- Good technical knowledge of engines & vehicles
- With a minimum of 2 years working experiences with required knowledge
- Knowledge of INCA measurement methods
- Work experience with engine test benches, as well as with engine measurements on
test benches
- Fundamental knowledge in engines, vehicles and product development process (PEP)
- Language skills in English and German (business fluent) is a must.
- Sufficiently communicative skills
- Good Teamplayer
2.3. Expected task results
This scope (Test engineer) includes the following tasks:
The contractor will independently organize and coordinate the tasks on the basis of the
EA888 Gen3 engine testing. Generally, the contractor will implement the development
activates onsite in Dalian within C/EA-11. Following listed tasks in matrix must be done
by contractor: Working packages
Status tracking
- Accumulation and processing of an open-points list (OPL
- Data accumulation of failure information and analyses
Organization technical meetings
- According to a defined process
- Regular Meetings and Conferences within China and to
Europe (Germany (Ingolstadt) and Hungary (Gyoer))
- Documentation of necessary documents
- Regularly reporting to technical coordinator testing
Information management
- Leading and guiding relevant meetings
- Internal status presentation
Tracking status of Parts testing and
- Technical discussion with local content suppliers
- Define evaluation plan for testing releases
- Measure the needed functions on the test bench
- Test reports and analysis
- Prepare a suggestion for release documentation
2.4. Task Specification
Planning, tracking and validation of component and release testing
Define the testing requirement according to the component specifications and
governmental requirements (electrical / mechanical / environmental / functional /
EMC / HIL / endurance testing / etc.)
Develop endurance testing requirements for the local market
Monitoring of component testing at supplier side, validation and documentation of
test results and preparation of the component releases
Ensure quality and durability of local content components
Component analysis after endurance testing
Evaluate and report results to related departments
Define, track and introduce countermeasures in case of deviations
Participate in project related committees
Prepare related information and documentation
Gather related information
Evaluate and report results to related departments
Release local content components
Gather all testing results from internal and external testing departments
Prepare a proposal for testing release documentation for engine components
Supplier management
Technical control of involved suppliers
Leading discussions about technical function development with suppliers
Find technical solutions with suppliers if issues happening on bug fixing phases of
the projects
Responsible for tracking implementation status with suppliers
Comprehensive project coordination for engine components by choosing suitable
Close contact to local content suppliers and engine plants
The Know-Hows that are obtained in the context of this specification are required to be reported
to the sponsor.
2.5 Service time frame
Full time, 2000 hours per year. The regular weekly working time is 40 hours.
It will also be possible to work on the weekend if necessary. Details should be aligned with
the sponsor.
Service Duration: 01.06.2020 – 01.06.2022 (2 Years)
Service Location: Audi China R&D C/EA-11 in Dalian.
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