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标题: 美国人眼中的南京大屠杀 [打印本页]

作者: Vienwaltz    时间: 12.2.2007 11:28
美国人眼中的南京大屠杀  <br />2007年02月12日 07:21:10  来源:《世界知识》杂志  <br /> <br />    在不久前结束的美国圣丹斯电影节上,由美国人拍摄的南京大屠杀纪录片《南京》举行了全球首映并引起轰动。影片通过大量真实的历史图片和文献以及对南京大屠杀幸存者和日军老兵的采访,真实地再现了那段对如今的美国人十分陌生的历史。该片在电影节期间共展映六场,几乎场场爆满,很多美国观众是含着眼泪走出放映厅的。美国媒体甚至把该片与斯皮尔伯格当年拍摄的《辛德勒名单》相提并论。<br /><br />    今年是南京大屠杀70周年。70年来,大洋彼岸的美国人是如何看待日本这一惨绝人寰的血腥罪行呢? <br /><br />   1937年12月13日,日本侵略军占领中国南京。在日本华中方面军司令官松井石根和第6师团师团长谷寿夫指挥下,日军使用集体枪杀、活埋、刀劈、火烧等惨绝人寰的方法,进行了长达40多天的血腥屠杀,在南京杀害中国平民和被俘军人达30多万人。这是大屠杀后,累累尸骨填满沟壑。  新华社发  <br /><br />    目睹人间惨剧 <br /><br />    南京沦陷后,留驻的18名美国人(主要是传教士和记者)怀着悲愤和恐惧的心情,在信函、日记或笔记中,记下了亲眼目睹的血腥暴行。传教士贝德士在家书中痛苦地写道:“城里差不多每一栋房屋都被抢劫一空”,“小至11岁的女孩和老到53岁的妇女横遭奸污”,“无辜平民被肆无忌惮地枪杀或刺死”。“南京安全区国际委员会”副主任、美国人费吴生在日记中写道:“有个5岁的男孩被刺刀戳伤了18处,一个妇女的脸被砍伤17处,腿上也有几处受伤。”当时留在南京的麦卡伦在致家人的信中惊呼:“我从未听过或见过如此暴虐。暴行,暴行,还是暴行!”当时南京惟一的外科医生、金陵大学医院外科主任、美国医生罗伯特·威尔逊把沦陷的南京比作“当代但丁的炼狱”:“昨夜金陵大学一位中国员工的住所被捣毁,他的亲属、两个妇女被强奸。在一所难民营里,两个大约16岁的女孩被轮奸致死。上午我花了一个半小时为一个8岁男孩做了缝补手术,他有五处刺刀伤,胃被刺穿,一部分大网膜流出了肚子外。”“今天我处理了一个有三处子弹孔的男人。他与其余80人是从‘安全区’的两幢房子内被带出来,在西藏路西边的山坡上被残杀的。80人中只有少数几个是退伍军人,其他都是平民百姓。他是惟一的幸存者。”约翰·马吉牧师当时在南京鼓楼医院(时为美国教会医院),现场拍摄了包括经威尔逊救治的一个怀有身孕而身中37刀的中国妇女的许多影片。马吉曾经向日本大使馆和日本占领军最高指挥机构提出过400多个抗议和报告,强烈要求日本停止暴行。与此同时,他冒着生命危险,用摄影机悄悄地拍下了400英尺的影片,并将它们交给费吴生秘密带到上海冲洗。 <br /><br />    据考察,这些影片,一部由约翰·拉贝带到了德国,一部由费吴生送到了美国,还有一部辗转到了英国。德国人约翰·拉贝也是日军南京大屠杀暴行的目击者,他留有八大册著名的《拉贝日记》。1938年,马吉选择了他拍摄的10张南京大屠杀的照片刊登在美国《生活周刊》上。二战史专家认为,这是世界上最早发表的揭露侵华日军制造南京暴行的图片。马吉后来在致朋友的信中心有余悸地说:“这使人想起古代的亚述暴行。我们未曾料到如此恐怖,当这些事情开始时,对我们是可怕的震撼。”国际红十字会南京委员会的主席梅奇牧师写道:“日军占领南京后,就有组织地进行屠杀。南京市内到处是中国人的尸体。日本兵把抓到的中国人用机枪、步枪打死,用刺刀刺死。”传教士福斯特咒骂日军为“披着人皮的野兽”。如今,这些资料仍保留在耶鲁神学院图书馆内,成为佐证南京大屠杀的可靠凭证之一。 <br /><br />    美国记者率先向世界报道了南京大屠杀的真实情况。弗兰克·蒂尔曼·德丁在当年12月18日的《纽约时报》头版发表新闻《屠戮意味着占领南京——俘虏全部被杀》,指责日军“大规模的抢劫,对妇女施暴,杀戮平民,把中国老百姓从家中赶出来,大批处死战俘与强迫征集壮丁,把南京变成恐怖城市。”该文公开揭露了日军的暴行。耶茨·麦克丹尼尔在同一天的《芝加哥论坛报》上发表《战地记者日记内描述的南京恐怖》,无奈地说:“我对南京的最后印象——死亡的中国人,死亡的中国人,死亡的中国人。”向世界描述了一幅尸积如山的人间地狱图。1938年回国的费吴生还根据自己目睹的日军暴行撰写文章,刊登在行销全球的美国杂志《读者文摘》上,向全世界揭露了侵华日军的残暴行为。1946年,远东国际军事法庭在审判日本战犯时,费吴生曾出庭作证。 <br /><br />    正是通过这些信函、日记、新闻报道、照片、记录影片和杂志、小册子等,美国民众了解了日军的野蛮行径,谴责日本的呼声越来越高。在日军炸沉了美舰帕奈号与殴打美国在华外交官阿里森之后,美国民众更是激起了愤怒,他们纷纷通过基督教团体、妇女团体、教师学生团体、工会以及其他市民团体,向南京等地的难民提供食品、住所、药物等救济物资,同时也发起了抵制日货运动。太平洋战争爆发后,中美联合抗战,美国国内也开始收集日军侵华暴行的证据。1942年3月,美国以南京大屠杀为例出版了《1937年至1938年冬日军在华暴行》,向美国民众宣传日军的凶狠和残暴,激励美国人民的抗战决心和斗志。 <br /><br />    刻意的集体忘却 <br /><br />    在冷战开始后,曾经让美国人民极为震惊和愤怒的南京大屠杀,却从美国民众的视野中神秘地消失了。其中缘由,既有日本右翼势力对揭露南京大屠杀真相的阻挠,也有“受害者本身的沉默”,使亚洲以外的国家对南京大屠杀知之甚少。而亲历南京大屠杀的美国传教士在朝鲜战争爆发后,先被逐出中国大陆,回到麦卡锡主义猖獗的美国后又遭审讯和隔离,身心遭受重创,大都过早地离开了人世。如,斯迈思博士1951年被迫离开金陵大学回国,迈纳·瑟尔·贝茨则遭到拘留审查,马吉于1953年在美国去世。更重要的是,美国政府此时出于扶植日本的目的,不仅包庇了许多日本战犯,使他们重返政坛,而且还有意从公众意识中抹煞包括南京大屠杀在内的日军暴行。美国共和党参议员麦卡锡在上世纪50年代初掀起了反共反民主的政治迫害逆流,不仅使幸存的传教士三缄其口,而且专家学者也怕引火烧身,对南京大屠杀避而不谈。 <br /><br />    整个冷战时期,南京大屠杀成了美国学术研究的禁区,在美国卷帙浩繁的二战史研究著作中很难发现关于南京大屠杀的点滴记载。据美籍华裔女作家张纯如生前调查:到冷战结束前夕,美国公众所读的综合或“权威”的二战历史著作中,几乎没有一本详细地记述了南京大屠杀。如,《美国二战图片史》(1966年)是连续多年最畅销的单本二战图片史图书,其中竟无一幅关于南京大屠杀的照片。亨利·米歇尔的经典名著《二战风云录》(1975年),在947页的篇幅中对南京大屠杀只字未提。格哈特·温伯格长达1178页的巨著《战火中的世界》(1974年)中,南京大屠杀仅仅被提到两次。直到1987年,在罗伯特·莱基998页的《来自魔鬼:二战纪实》中,才有一段关于南京大屠杀的记载。在全部美国中学历史课本中,只有寥寥几本提到了日军在南京的暴行。尽管目击南京大屠杀的传教士、新闻记者留下了丰富的第一手资料,却没有一位美国作家或学者利用它撰写一篇关于南京大屠杀的研究论文或纪实作品。由于刻意的忘却,南京大屠杀成了美国人的“盲点”。 <br /><br />    心灵再次震撼 <br /><br />    随着冷战的结束和中美关系获得相对平稳的发展之后,南京大屠杀才再次引起美国民众的关注。上世纪90年代以来,美国出版了大量关于日军慰安妇、活人医学试验、细菌和毒气战,以及南京大屠杀的小说、论文和著作。1996年8月至1997年1月,耶鲁神学院图书馆举办了“美国传教士对南京大屠杀的见证”展览,首次向公众展出了南京大屠杀时期这些留守传教士的信件、日记、笔记、照片等资料。该馆的玛莎·斯茉莉还编辑出版了《美国传教士对南京大屠杀的见证,1937~1938》一书,客观公正地再现了当年日军的血腥暴行。美籍华人社会活动家也通过各种努力,展览或利用互联网传播大屠杀的图文资料。1999年8月,美国著名的历史文献片制片人路达路根据牧师马吉拍摄的影片制成了电视片《南京大屠杀》,并且在圣路易斯举行了全球首映式,引起轰动。一些本不知情的美国人为人类社会曾发生如此惨剧、为日军惨绝人寰的大屠杀而震惊。 <br /><br />    今天的美国公众利用图书杂志、电影电视、互联网等各种途径,获得越来越多关于南京大屠杀的信息,对日本右翼竭力掩盖南京大屠杀真相的行径出离愤怒,要求政府向日本施加压力,迫使其承认战争中的暴行。二战老兵吉尔伯特·海尔叱责日本人在靖国神社内供奉甲级战犯,无异于“在柏林中心为希特勒建造一个大教堂”。1996年12月3日,美国司法部列出了日本战犯的名单,禁止他们进入美国。1997年4月,前美国驻日大使沃尔特·蒙代尔公开要求日本必须诚实地面对历史,希望日本为其战争罪行充分道歉。同年春,美国部分议员同人权活动家一道起草了一项提案,谴责日本在二战期间虐待美国和其他国家的战俘,要求日本向战争受难者正式道歉和赔偿。最近,美国影视界也为揭露日军暴行而录制了南京大屠杀记录片。郎恩·乔瑟夫博士独家拍摄的《南京梦魇》,在美国的加州、华盛顿、纽约等地试映,真实而残忍的场景使许多美国观众陷入悲痛之中,再次感受心灵震撼。由著名企业家兼慈善家、美国在线公司副总裁特德·莱昂西斯个人投资拍摄的记录片《南京》近日举行了全球首映并引起轰动。该片在电影节期间共展映6场,几乎场场爆满,观众总人数超过5000人。《南京》通过讲述1937年末日军占领南京后,滞留当地的十几位西方人士出于人道主义建立起国际安全区,保护近20万名市民免遭日军杀害的故事,从西方人的视角讲述了70年前发生在中国的那场浩劫。据介绍,该纪录片的中国发行权目前已由中国中央电视台购得。(徐志民)<br />
作者: Vienwaltz    时间: 12.2.2007 11:52
日本右翼拍《南京真相》欲盖弥彰 不得人心  <br />2007年02月01日 10:45:44  <br /><br />    1937年12月13日,日本侵略军占领中国南京。在日本华中方面军司令官松井石根和第6师团师团长谷寿夫指挥下,日军使用集体枪杀、活埋、刀劈、火烧等惨绝人寰的方法,进行了长达40多天的血腥屠杀,在南京杀害中国平民和被俘军人达30多万人。这是大屠杀后,南京郊外尸横遍野。 新华社发    <br /><br />    新华网专稿:为纪念南京大屠杀七十周年,美、中等国将有几部关于南京大屠杀的影片问世。一部由美国拍摄的纪录片《南京》近日已在美国圣丹斯电影节首映。一向否认侵略战争和南京大屠杀的日本右翼对此非常恐慌,为了与纪念南京大屠杀的影片相对抗,日本卫星电视樱花频道总裁水岛总认为“如果坐视不管,会使日本的国际形象恶化”,为此,他要拍一部名为《南京真相》的电影。 <br /><br />    1月24日,水岛总宣布成立了由右翼学者和政客组成的电影制作委员会,包括国会议员在内的约200人出席水岛总举行的记者招待会,《南京真相》的总指挥由水岛总担任,内容主要是右翼分子的所谓研究成果和顽固不化的军国主义分子的所谓证言,影片预定于今年夏天完成,12月在日本上映,并通过因特网用英语等语言向外国人播放,制作委员会还要求人们在资金上予以协助,并公布了筹集资金的账户。 <br /><br />    但日本右翼分子的这些做法并未在日本社会得到多大反响,大部分日本国民也认为南京大屠杀不可否认。许多日本人对记者表示,日本右翼即将拍摄的影片《南京真相》和其编撰的历史教科书一样,完全是一派胡言。这只不过是一些右翼学者和顽固不化的军国主义分子的丑恶表演而已,对那些对历史无知的人,虽然有一定的迷惑性,但对日本广大国民来说,应该不会引起太大的兴趣。 <br /><br />    一位名叫MASAGATA的网民自称,没有固定的政治倾向,属于无党派,不是左翼,也不是右翼,主张修宪、但反对出兵伊拉克。这名网民参观过“侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆”和万人坑,认为右翼分子的观点不值得一驳。他说,在侵华日军进行南京大屠杀时,有救助难民的国际机构和外国记者,很多外国人都亲眼目睹了大屠杀,有拉贝日记、有受害的中国市民和加害的原日本士兵的证言作证,如果说南京大屠杀是捏造,这是不顾事实。事实毕竟是事实,即使被教科书抹去,也是客观存在,而且也决不是只在南京有大屠杀,自“9·18”事变后,侵华日军在中国各地都犯下了侵略罪行,否认南京大屠杀没有意义。 <br /><br />    另一位名叫LEILANDA的网民对MASAGATA的看法表示赞同。10年前他参观“侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆”时,中国一名翻译人员曾对他说,“虽然曾经发生过南京大屠杀这样的悲剧,但我们并不恨日本人,为了避免悲剧重演,两国人民今后更要加强友好,中日两国之间存在各种问题,但两国国民友好是中日友好的基础”。他非常感动。 <br /><br />    一位日本学者对记者说,日本右翼分子编撰的历史教科书采用率不到1%,否认南京大屠杀的电影《南京真相》即使按时上映,估计也不会有太多人观看。有的日本人甚至主张把美国拍摄的纪录片《南京》引进日本,一位网民说,“不是被害国的美国拍摄南京大屠杀为主题的纪录片意义重大,我对该片非常感兴趣,希望在加害国日本也能上映”。(记者 何德功)<br />
作者: Vienwaltz    时间: 13.2.2007 10:44
作者: Vienwaltz    时间: 13.2.2007 23:36
SITUATION BEFORE THE FALL OF NANJING <br /> 1937, when the anti-Japanese resistance war began, Japanese warplanes started random bombardment on NanJing, of total over one hundred rounds. Their main targets were of non-military nature. The most prosperous and populated area--southern part of NanJing received most of the bombing. The bombing on September 25th was the most devastating, from 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, Japanese war planes flew five rounds of total 95 sorties, dropped about 500 bombs, led to more than 600 civilian casualties. A refugee camp at XiaGuan was bombed, more than 100 died. Among the bombed targets, besides power plants, water works and radio stations, there was also the Central Hospital with a red cross on its building&#39;s roof. <br /><br />On November 20th, Japanese invaders pressed on towards NanJing. The KMT government made the announcement to move its capital to ChongQing city. NanJing was in chaos. Bureaucrats all fled, left behind them helpless civilians. Before the war, NanJing had a population of one million, as the war began, people started to evacuate, however, only those high officials and rich could go far, ordinary people at most went to nearby places. On the other hand, refugees from the fronts continuously flew into the city. The KMT government did nothing to help them. Some US and British public figures in NanJing advised to form a &quot;International Committee&quot; and designate certain regions as &quot;Safety Zones&quot;. The KMT government agreed. <br /><br /> On November 25th, Japanese attacked NanJing from three directions: the eastern front along the Shanghai-NanJing railway, attacking the front; the center front along the NanJing-HangZhou railway, taking XiShui, JuRong attacking from back; the western front advancing from GuangDe, XuanCheng and WuHu, encircling NanJing. At the beginning of December, Japanese army from three directions all reached the periphery of NanJing, and engaged in battle with the defending forces. Then, NanJing had a defending force of over one hundred thousand men, commanded by general Tang ShengZhi, commander of the garrison force. Tang took the strategy of abandoning the positions outside the city, and was entrenched in a besieged city. <br /><br />On December 12th, Japanese main force mounted a fierce attack on YuHuaTai. By noon, YuHuaTai fell. At 2 PM, they stormed ZhongHua gate, an opening to the city was made. At 5 PM, Tang ShengZhi called in officers ranked division and above for a twenty-minute meeting, distributed an order for breaking out. He and the majority of the defending force then crossed the river and retreated. <br />
作者: Vienwaltz    时间: 14.2.2007 06:23
History of Nanking Massacre<br /><br /><br />In 1928, the Chinese Nationalist Government moved the capital of China from Peking (Beijing) to Nanking. The city normally held about 250,000 people, but by the mid-1930s its population had swollen to more than 1 million. Many of them were refugees, fleeing from the Japanese armies which had invaded China. On November 11, 1937, after securing control of Shanghai, the Japanese army advanced towards Nanking from different directions. In early December, the Japanese troops were already in the outskirts of Nanking.<br /><br />On December 9, the Japanese troops launched a massive attack upon the city. On the 12th, the defending Chinese troops decided to retreat to the other side of the Yangtze River (Yangzi Jiang). On December 13, the 6th and 16th Divisions of the Japanese Army entered the city?s Zhongshan and Pacific Gates. In the afternoon, two Japanese Navy fleets arrived. In the following six weeks, the occupying forces engaged in an orgy of looting and mass execution which came to be known as the Nanking Massacre. Most experts agree that at least 300,000 Chinese died, and 20,000 women were raped. Some estimate the numbers to be much higher - 340,000 and 80,000 respectively. The Japanese government, to this day, maintains that the death toll is greatly exaggerated, and some politicians have even claimed that the Massacre itself is a fabrication.<br /><br />During the Nanking Massacre, the Japanese committed a litany of atrocities against innocent civilians, including mass execution, raping, looting, and burning. It is impossible to keep a detailed account of all of these crimes. However, from the scale and the nature of these crimes as documented by survivors and the diaries of the Japanese militarists, the chilling evidence of this historical tragedy is indisputable. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />I THE TRAGEDY AT YANGTZE RIVER<br /><br />On December 13th, a large number of refugees tried to escape from the Japanese by trying to cross the Yangtze River. They were trapped on the east bank because no transportation was available; many of them tried to swim across the river. Meanwhile, the Japanese arrived and fired at the people on the shore and in the river. A Japanese soldier reported that the next day he saw an uncountable number of dead bodies of adults and children covering the whole river. He estimated that more than 50,000 people were killed at this tragic incident of the Nanking massacre.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />II ANNIHILATION IN THE CITY<br /><br />When the Japanese troops first entered the city on the 13th, the streets were crowded with more than 100,000 refugees or injured Chinese soldiers. The Japanese relentlessly fired at these people. The next morning, tanks and artilleries entered the city and killing of people continued. Dead bodies covered the two major streets of the city. The streets became &quot;streets of blood&quot; as a result of the two-day annihilation.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />III MASS EXECUTION OF CAPTIVES<br /><br />A large number of Chinese soldiers had already been captured in the suburban areas before the Japanese entered the city. The rest of the Chinese soldiers scattered inside the city and changed into civilian clothes. After the &quot;City-Entering Ceremony&quot; on the 17th, the Japanese arrested anybody who was suspected to be a Chinese soldier. A large number of young men who were arrested, together with those who had been captured earlier, were sent outside of the city to be massacred, from several thousand to tens of thousand at a time. In most cases, the captives were shot by machine guns, and those who were still alive were bayoneted individually. In some cases, the Japanese poured gasoline onto the captives and burned them alive. In some cases, poison gas was used.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />IV SCATTERED ATROCITIES WITH EXTREME CRUELTY<br /><br />Numerous atrocities occurred within and around the city, and the victims were largely civilians. Japanese soldiers invented and exercised inhumane and barbaric methods of killing. The brutalities included shooting, stabbing, cutting open the abdomen, excavating the heart, decapitation (beheading), drowning, burning, punching the body and the eyes with an awl, and even castration or punching through the vagina.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />V RAPING<br /><br />An estimated 20,000 women were raped by the Japanese soldiers during the six weeks of the Nanking Massacre, most were brutally killed afterwards. The Japanese soldiers even raped girls less than ten years old, women over seventy years old, pregnant women, and nuns. Rampant raping took place in the streets or at religious worshiping places during the day. Many women were gang raped. Some Japanese even forced fathers to rape their daughters, sons to rape their mothers, etc. Those who resisted were killed immediately.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />VI ATROCITIES IN THE SAFETY ZONE<br /><br />When the Japanese were approaching Nanking in mid November, a group of concerned foreigners formed an international rescue committee to establish a safety zone in an attempt to protect the refugees. The safety zone was located inside the city and consisted of more than twenty refugee camps, each of which accommodated from 200 to 12,000 people. During the six weeks of the Nanking Massacre, the Japanese frequently entered the safety zone to arrest young men. Every time, several hundred young men were arrested and executed on the site.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />VII LOOTING<br /><br />The Japanese looted all the storehouses and seized virtually everything from the civilians. The loot included jewelry, coins, domesticated animals, food, clothes, antiques, and even inexpensive items such as cigarettes, eggs, fountain pens, and buttons.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />VIII BURNING AND VANDALISM<br /><br />The Japanese organized burning of buildings in the city. After they had set fire to buildings using either gasoline or some other inflammable chemicals, they hid, waited for and killed people who came to extinguish the fire. Numerous people were killed by fire. Nanking, once a beautiful historical city, was burned to ashes by the Japanese.<br />

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