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标题: 投诉慕尼黑机场警察种族歧视zt [打印本页]

作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 19:57
标题: 投诉慕尼黑机场警察种族歧视zt
Dear Sir,

On Monday morning, 21st of May, 2007, I took the flight of Lufthansa from Shanghai to Munich.

When I arrived in the airport, the police checked my passport in the door of the plane additionally, which is not an official and normal passport controlling.

I have seen that the policemen do not check the passports of the European passengers. The policemen only check the passports of Asia passengers. Besides, two men who were checking the passport did not wear the police uniform. I am not sure if these two men are police.

I feel that I am discriminated by the policemen in Munich airport.
Besides, the policemen do not have the right to check the passports of passengers in the international zone.

Could you please investigate on this issue and give me feedback?

Best Regards,
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 19:58
标题: 回复 #1 aij 的帖子
Dear Mr.,

we received your complaint on Thursday, 05/30/07. The Federal Police is responsible for passport- and border control and immigration services.

I investigated on that issue and can give, regarding to your questions, the following cognitions mentioned below:

The passport control at the aircraft wasn`t a regular passport control, but the german law permits those selective, additional checks, even in the international zone of an airport (compare § 22 Ia BPOLG). The two people, who accomplished  the control,  were plainclothes police officers. They are executing german law and have to show their service identity card to prove that they are policemen if a passenger asks for.   

Mr., I `m sorry if you felt discriminated but discrimination is not the intention of those checks of course. In times of growing terrorism and international crime those measures are necessary and I ask for your appreciation for these measures.

With the hope, that the answer will satisfy you.

yours sincerely
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 19:59
标题: 回复 #2 aij 的帖子
Dear Mr.

I am very appreciated that you have sent me the detailed explanation for my complain.

I feel discriminated not because the policemen control the passports additionally, but because the policemen only have checked the passports of the passengers who look like not an European passenger.

Could you please clarify that the policemen could control the passports differently depending on the personal race?

Besides, I also read the law BPOLG. The law gives the right to the police to check the passport on the board. It does not mention that the police could check the passport in International zone in the airport.

Please find the link below for the law:


I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards,
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 19:59
标题: 回复 #3 aij 的帖子


Dear Mr. ,

let me explain some further details. An additional passport-control at
the door of an aircraft even in the international zone of an airport is
an absolutely regular instrument that every border police in the world
uses to fight against irregular migration. And as in every other
country, german law permits those controls with the ?22 Ia of the border
police law that you read. This fact has already been the object of a
legal review by various courts several times and the adjudications
confirmed our practice every time.

Your second complaint is about feeling discriminated because of the
behaviour of our officers. Mr. , it is a fact, that the european union
enacts the new border codex last year. And it is a fact, that this
european law demands, that the border police have to make a difference
between eu-citizens and others in the intensity of the control. While we
have to check the passports of non-eu-citizens very exactly, we even are
not allowed to do so with the passport of an eu-citizen. I hope you see
now, that we are forced to act like we do and that it is not in our
interest to discriminate anybody in any way.

Mr. , I hope I could answer your questions now and I could establish
some understanding.

best regards
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 20:00
标题: 回复 #4 aij 的帖子
Dear Mr.

Thanks again for your patient answer.
I fully understand what you are talking.
However, I am afraid you still do not get my points.

the fact is that with the additional passport control, the policemen check the passport of passengers according to the personal face.
The policmen do not even look at the passports of the passengers looking like European. But some of them could be non-European.
On the other hand, the polimen check the passpots of passengers looking like non-European. But some of them could hold German passports.

I could understand that the policemen check the passports with different intensity based on different types of passports. However, the policemen have no ability to judge the types of one's passports only after the policemen look at the face of passenegers.

For this point of view, it is definitely decrimination.

Best Regards,
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 20:01
标题: 回复 #5 aij 的帖子
Dear Mr.

the federal police ist responsible for the passport controls of about
12 million passengers at munich aiport this year. Did you ever think of
the possibility that we for example know about a group of illegal
chinese migrants coming on a special flight? Do you claim that the federal
police has to control all passengers passports in the same intensity in
a case like that just to ensure that nobody of the law-abiding
passengers feels discriminated in any way?  

The point is that in such an additional control, most of the passengers
hold their passports visible, so that the policeman can see what kind
of passports they hold.

The federal police is not interested in discrimination, but has to
guarantee the security of the border.

So i hope you see, that we don磘 want to discriminat anyone, we just
do our Job effective and on a high level.

Best regards
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 20:01
标题: 回复 #6 aij 的帖子

Dear Mr.

I was appreciated that the police was working against terrorist and the police was checking the illegal migrants until you are telling me that the police identifies the passengers according to the visibility of the passports.

Are you joking with me? The policemen in Munich airport have the special ability to catch the criminals only based on the skin of one's passport!
Or it just indicates that this additional control is nonsense.

let us suppose a terrorist arrives at Munich airport. He holds an empty passport with European passport skin. The smart policemen in Munich airport allow this terrorist entering into Germany. later, this terrorist blows somewhere a building in Munich.

I understand that the policemen have too much work to do. However, you have to complain this issue in the German government. You have to ask the government to increase the police team with more budget.

From your description, the additional passport control is not efficient and not effective. I wish the policeman in Munich airport would stop this stupid activity. The policemen are doing nothing but making difficulties to those passengers respecting to the law.
It is true that some Chinese try to enter into Germany illegally. However, criminals also happen among the German people. Can you assume all the German are criminals? Definitely not. Otherwise it is indeed discrimination.

Best Regards,
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 20:02
标题: 回复 #7 aij 的帖子

Dear Mr.,

sorry for my late answer, but i was out of office for some time.
I have the feeling, that we sometimes do not talking about the same
Your example with the terrorist is not true.
Because behind this additional control, that we are talking about, is
the normal passport control.
My explanation about the passport skin, is just one indicator for the
And as i explained in the past, we have to make a difference between
eu-citizens and others in the intensity of the control.

From our view this spot tests-controlls are efficient and effective,
but we do not communicate police tactics to the public.

Of course it is true, that you have in every community all over th
world some people who are criminal. And you can´t compare any person with
another person.

I don´t know, but do the chinese border police don´t have such
additional controls?

So i hope once more, that i give you informations, that helps to
understand these circumstands.

Best regards
作者: aij    时间: 27.8.2007 20:03
标题: 回复 #8 aij 的帖子

Dear Mr. ,

Thanks again for the kind and patient reply.

In my previous email, I made an example with this terrorist. This example shows that the additional police is not effective and not neccessary. The terrorist could be easy to pass this control if he intends to do so.
As you have explained, there is another normal control. This normal control is already enough to find any criminals. Therefore I belief that the police in Munich airport is abusing the law which the police could control the passport with diffenrent intensivity. As you know, in the normal control, the police check the passports of passengers already with different intensivity.
Because of discrinination mind of police, the police abuse the European law.

Traditionally, China is a freindly country. Chinese never set this kind of additionally unpolite and unfreind control to the Foreingers. However, I would suggest Chinese police would do the same against German passenegers.

Let us talk about the profit of Germany. What can Germany get from this additional control? The normal control has solved all the problems. Germany gets nothing from this additional control. What can Germany lose? You know how many Chinese arrive in Germany everyday and how many Chinese every year. Most of these Chinese passengers are government employees, business men and students. If each Chinese passenger suffers a lot from the German police, can you imagine what kind of impact it is? I already hear that some government employee would do the same thing during their daily life against the Germen business men in China.

From this additional control Germany gets nothing but will lose a lot in the near future. Only you could do something for your country! Belief me!

Best Regards,
作者: karlsruheU    时间: 27.8.2007 21:32
作者: yongzhang    时间: 27.8.2007 22:31
Der beste Method, die Bürokratie zu bekämpfen, ist mit der Bürokratie die Bürokraten zu belasten.
作者: 芙蓉姐夫    时间: 4.9.2007 05:46
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽
作者: AltenWerther    时间: 4.9.2007 08:13
标题: 警察上班不那么无聊啦。。。
作者: steve2046    时间: 4.9.2007 09:57


[ 本帖最后由 steve2046 于 4.9.2007 11:00 编辑 ]
作者: 西门大官人    时间: 4.9.2007 10:25
作者: nanoeuro    时间: 4.9.2007 13:10
作者: tinting    时间: 26.9.2007 10:58
作者: aij    时间: 18.10.2007 12:53
原帖由 Drachen22 于 26.9.2007 11:34 发表
超强贴,今天才看到。我说这次从国内回来,刚到飞机大厅就被一排德国警察查护照呢,以前从没遇过。但他们都穿警服,外国人的护照也查,就是查的快些,但态度都很好!估计是让事主给折磨了,改善了不少。我们就得像他 ...

作者: minixin    时间: 2.11.2007 22:34
作者: 小丘    时间: 25.11.2007 03:29
作者: whitehard    时间: 25.11.2007 18:04
作者: aij    时间: 28.11.2007 19:13
原帖由 whitehard 于 25.11.2007 18:04 发表

作者: sweetcaty2001    时间: 13.1.2008 01:41
作者: aij    时间: 13.1.2008 10:14

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