德国开元华人社区 开元周游

标题: 无风险趣味测试,带薪,10到20欧 [打印本页]

作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 13:46
标题: 无风险趣味测试,带薪,10到20欧
作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 13:48
作者: joyjoyjoy    时间: 17.1.2008 14:56
作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 15:49
hi,- I0 P6 L, J, I3 d! e- X& c5 h; g 0 _4 M {; ]6 k$ B8 @7 E4 yi have attached the time table, in the time where my name stand i will be there to guid the experiment, in other time it will be a german girl there. So just tell me when you have time to do experiment per email, oder phone. Thanks!

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作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 16:11
we need 15-20 persons!
作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 16:39
so i have forgotten to say that my name ist Liang, so you better write email drectly to me at liang1920@yahoo.com!" [/ p# i! p6 C$ @& d( T. u4 ^9 p . q) h+ }7 k" k# Wif you are interested, you should told me when you will come, for example from 14 to 16 on 1. 30. i will at first reserve 2 hours for you. I think it will take probably 2 hours. In next week i will know concrectly how the experiment will take and then how much you get paid. I will update it hier.+ |+ O4 E# m; a* Q8 ` & A* D8 F( ]3 ^4 hAnd i need your phon number for if something happens so that one can not do experiment.
作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 16:44
Money will be transferred to your account
作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 19:43
hi, ' ?1 `# m ?$ G4 c 0 ?& `, D/ ~/ K2 U; oi must say, you should not be too young, say older than 16. (You must see, the biggst distance between your thumb and forefinger must be bigger than 80 cm, if you hold your forefinger in 90 Grad.) ) Y. }4 a/ g6 m/ Y" w/ e; vAnd you should no be older than 35./ C$ u3 W2 n( b" `% {8 r; z5 I 2 x0 s L) c2 K3 p2 a9 QSorry, we also have to note youre age, so please people who have interest should add your age in email to me. $ P6 D- | S2 ?9 t , l; [% i; G9 A+ _And everyone who already has gotten my confirmation email, please, write a email telling me your age.
作者: eva66    时间: 17.1.2008 21:50
time from 8 to 20 meas that i will be there to guid experiment. In this time one can come to do expeiment, it means not that someone should do 10 hours experiment.
作者: eva66    时间: 18.1.2008 15:28
thanks a lot, everyone. 8 U) v! g' z) B7 W7 F% X9 Z( a h; g2 @1 G0 m/ _ we have already enough test person.
作者: eva66    时间: 27.1.2008 14:03
Hi! everyone, 9 H/ E4 p+ F0 ]' C6 w' q6 C- V. I ; X3 Y1 D* ^- f, t* Z. R9 M( b- mtomorrow begin the experiment. Don't forget your time, and pleas come punctually. If you can not come, please tell me before.

weg3.png (352.36 KB, 下载次数: 15)


作者: ALAN1231    时间: 29.1.2008 19:20
作者: eva66    时间: 5.2.2008 18:26
Hi, everyone; r9 e: v1 w& W0 i + }6 p" `. |9 K- Jwe need other 3, tomorrow 1 from 8 to 9:30. and the day after tomorrow 2, time ist not fixed. & W) q/ S2 o- o; j* y2 ^( y: D . c1 Q1 G+ ?* Y9 |5 N4 ?2 Kplz call me or write me a email:% |1 r, F2 M" G# Q/ n& F3 V3 w; Y 017621002441 9 l8 d8 ?7 ^5 C% kliang1920@yahoo.com
作者: eva66    时间: 5.2.2008 18:30
Hi, . h$ S' ]3 x W 3 b- ]" n1 R9 m% C- ii forget, it is not so late now, can somebody come to do it right now. i am still hier. Just call me. ) X1 Y. H( Q& n$ |/ n* _2 H* [) F/ M) h0 F3 N# L8 {* J# K 15

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