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标题: Linux Backup [打印本页]

作者: cyan    时间: 13.12.2003 16:27
<a href='http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/' target='_blank'>http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/</a><br><br>Easy Automated Snapshot-Style Backups with Linux and Rsync<br><br>Abstract <br><br>This document describes a method for generating automatic rotating &quot;snapshot&quot;-style backups on a Unix-based system, with specific examples drawn from the author&#39;s GNU/Linux experience. Snapshot backups are a feature of some high-end industrial file servers; they create the illusion of multiple, full backups per day without the space or processing overhead. All of the snapshots are read-only, and are accessible directly by users as special system directories. It is often possible to store several hours, days, and even weeks&#39; worth of snapshots with slightly more than 2x storage. This method, while not as space-efficient as some of the proprietary technologies (which, using special copy-on-write filesystems, can operate on slightly more than 1x storage), makes use of only standard file utilities and the common rsync program, which is installed by default on most Linux distributions. Properly configured, the method can also protect against hard disk failure, root compromises, or even back up a network of heterogeneous desktops automatically. <br>
作者: cyan    时间: 13.12.2003 16:31
Here is a much primitiver method for Backup of Windows under Linux:<br><br><br>【 在 adven (冒险者) 的大作中提到: 】<br>: mkdir /mnt/windows<br>: mount -t ntfs win2Kpartition /mnt/windows<br>: tar -cpzf windows.tgz /mnt/windows<br>: tar -xpzf windows.tgz<br><br>发信人: ironarmor (铁甲), 信区: Linux<br>标  题: Re: 用Linux来备份和重装Windows<br>发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sun Dec  7 22:48:23 2003), 转信<br><br>不建议这么做,尤其是你的系统如果是中文ntfs<br>因为目前的ntfssupport不是很好,写有问题,然后你这么tar很多<br>属性没了<br><br>呵呵,最好的办法是:假设你的windows part: /dev/hda1<br><br>dd if=/dev/hda1 |gzip &gt; ghost.gz<br>然后恢复是:<br>gzip -cd ghost.gz |dd of=/dev/hda1<br>

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