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标题: 要看就要看权威--H1N1自测系统 (英文) [打印本页]

作者: 穷二代    时间: 5.11.2009 14:29
标题: 要看就要看权威--H1N1自测系统 (英文)
本帖最后由 穷二代 于 5.11.2009 14:31 编辑
% o/ n5 o: U( M$ [5 p! Z- u
& i+ n( C: i4 i* ~) B7 B/ ?' b! Jhttp://www.flu.gov/evaluation/
$ v/ I) n5 }% f( ~# F
" j5 Z- ]& f/ o) _# s% ^$ n& k9 k请注意:This information is not a substitute for your doctor's advice. The H1N1 Flu Self-Evaluation was developed in collaboration with the Emory University School of Medicine and is here to help you understand the flu symptoms you or your family member may be having so that you can make your own health decisions.
4 U0 [- V! V3 t' w6 ]3 C( B! S2 J% f3 G- J( X0 H
6 _9 {5 y9 o# m$ v$ h/ p) u
来源:http://www.flu.gov/ ' B4 h% H. V2 {4 ~4 H
. Y- w! ?9 d* t6 g( F) i
" {7 M3 ?" u  p+ f5 s# K; l, u
2 f9 V5 c+ Y4 [% |
6 p$ H' |# n/ \1 m' d$ G3 Z) W8 @Content for this Web site is provided by:% B) x0 _" Q% ]

作者: 穷二代    时间: 5.11.2009 14:36
Take these everyday steps to protect your health:
. `; I& n- S: m1 M) R, j1 I$ c9 M
Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
" k3 o' M; `4 G' p4 L! @) v8 u& P' E! J+ y- w. o  G% ?+ j
Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.+ |- ^8 S5 M  I; o: c

% M1 {/ a6 J$ `" A6 lAvoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
, J$ P9 o6 K" |) q1 T" o0 o$ ~" U
% u* N. c4 ~1 d/ x- i8 @Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
6 ^0 `: b8 \. u$ x! Y) U# y" P! v4 L$ f! a
Stay home if you are sick until at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever (100°F or 37.8°C) or signs of a fever (without the use of a fever-reducing medicine, such as Tylenol®). Read detailed information about how long to stay away from others.7 a# d9 Y; ^6 u8 u" U* L
1 f* {4 J5 d) y, P# l8 [) K
Follow public health advice regarding school closures, avoiding crowds and other social distancing measures.
4 J* c8 S8 m; q: u$ B6 O, E
0 Y, P4 p" t( l+ }From http://www.flu.gov/
作者: ILoveTT    时间: 5.11.2009 14:51
Stay home if you are sick until at least 24 hours after you no longer have a fever (100°F or 37.8°C) or signs of a fever (without the use of a fever-reducing medicine, such as Tylenol®). Read detailed information about how long to stay away from others.$ _, i. x! `4 y
, C. n3 R% V7 ?/ ~
3 B% T5 Q4 X) g- _5 {" D5 \但是如果發燒,還是要及早就醫的。
作者: fiona.li    时间: 5.11.2009 18:22
作者: 穷二代    时间: 5.11.2009 21:43

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