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标题: 德国的Ph. D. 有没有financial aid [打印本页]

作者: Aryan    时间: 8.6.2004 12:12
我收到慕尼黑工业大学(TUM)与新加坡南洋合办项目的 2/3offer,M.S.,18个月,前一年在新加坡读,后半年在德国与大公司做internship。给我的奖学金抵消了2/3的学费,此外在新加坡每月可得1000新元生活费;在德国期间如果企业对我的课题感兴趣,也可能提供食宿和生活费。我正在考虑该去否。<br><br>一个关键的问题是花了那么多钱(如果在德国拿到资助,总费用8w RMB之内,生活费有剩余;否则,会超支,不知道10W 够不够)出去,只读MS太没意思了,而且我现在已经公费读研一了,关键是接下来读Ph. D.的问题,对方表示可以留在TUM读博,但我没好问资助的情况。<br><br>那么在德国读博交学费吗?有没有资助?哪怕只出生活费,几年下来同样负担不起,我也不准备打工。此外,我想问一下对联合学位,用人单位和研究生院的认可情况。
作者: Aryan    时间: 8.6.2004 12:52
另外,德国读博是不是都是德语教学呀?我德语水平为0,用TOEFL, GRE申请的
作者: kleine    时间: 8.6.2004 13:39
I am doing Ph.D in Germany. You do not need to pay any money to university for Ph.D. And normally you will get selary from university or scholarship. <br>But I would like to suggest you to start to learn German, if you plan to study here. I have quite good English knowledge. But I do not know German very well, because I studied my Master in English in Germany. I have been in Germany for 3 years. Although my German is OK for normal life and I have one German boyfriend, there are still a lot of difficulties to continue my Ph.D in universtiy. All the people speak German. And I must prepare papers for my professor classes, which is required also in German.  I gave labs training for students, which was also in German. Therefore, I must also learn German now.<br>
作者: corona_dong    时间: 8.6.2004 14:04
我也是在国内读的硕士,在没有拿到硕士学位证书时就开始申请,因为不会德语,所以就先申请一个英文硕士学位课程,慕尼黑工大的,在这一年半的时间里,准备把德文好好学习一下,争取申请博士学位。在德国如果不会德语,应该是非常难受的事情。<br>我还没有去德国,所以也不知道在那里申请博士的难易程度,但是我相信,只要有信心和毅力,一定可以达到自己设立的目标的;<br>在德国读除了博士和一些工科之外,是需要自己首先付出一些EUR的,但是这样的机会有时候不是钱可以买来的,如果你的父母能够支持你走出这一步,剩下的要自己好好把握了。<br>说到你不准备打工,我觉得看你打什么样的工了,如果你是工科,看看你想申请的那个教授所在的院系有没有助理研究的工作什么的,也不错啊。<br><br>当然了,这只是我一个人的想法而已,仅供探讨 <!--emo&--><img src='http://www.kaiyuan.de/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->  
作者: Aryan    时间: 8.6.2004 16:26
当然,在系上当助教或助研也很好呀.属于我说的financial aid 之列.想必德国和美国一样,fellowship和scholarship比assistantship难拿吧.<br><br>我本科读的燃气工程.主要属于机械工程(热工,燃烧方向);也可以做石油工程(燃气输送,储存<br>);也可以做环境相关的.这次的项目是环境工程.<br><br>不知道在德国读哪方面的容易拿到资助呢?<br><br>谢谢各位的热心回复,我准备在读这个研究生期间学德语.
作者: kleine    时间: 8.6.2004 16:53
You can discuss with Professor directly about money. I can tell him that you have no enough money and you are very excellent. Normally, if you are really good, the professor will help you to get finacial aid. I think it is difficult to apply by your own.  
作者: Suman    时间: 8.6.2004 17:12
U dont need to worry about money and the stupid language problems at all, for the subject you were doing&#33; These above troubles are only for people doing PhD that is not related to nature and science. But of course it would be a great advantage if you were really good at German <!--emo&:-)--><img src='http://www.kaiyuan.de/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/regular_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='regular_smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
作者: Suman    时间: 8.6.2004 17:14
Additionally, Science is in English anyway&#33; No science in German and other languages except for English&#33;
作者: Guest    时间: 8.6.2004 20:02
我在TUM Informatik读博。你有这么好的offer,不应该犹豫。<br><br>-<br> swei75<br><br>
作者: Aryan    时间: 9.6.2004 05:01
作者: Aryan    时间: 16.6.2004 10:13
作者: kleine    时间: 16.6.2004 11:00
I am doing Ph.D on Electronics. I think making Ph.D is more difficult here than in China. Because my father is also professor. He tell me that it seems not so difficult in China. I have recently one project from one company in München. I must write report every week and have meeting every month with the company. The professor seems no help for my work. Even my english is very good. But my colleagues are all Germans. You can not wish all the people speak English only becuase of you. Of course, my reports are in English. If you want to stay comfortablly and have many foreign friends, German and your characteristics are very important. And also, you must be independent to do your work.  
作者: kleine    时间: 16.6.2004 13:33
By the way, Ph.D in Germany normally need 4 to 6 years.<br>Good luck to you&#33;
作者: Guest    时间: 27.6.2004 02:52
He tell me that it seems not so difficult in China<br>The professor seems no help for my work<br>我是文盲也知道这些话里好多语法,基本时态错<br>难道这就是号称的高水平吗?<br>pfpf
作者: quantum    时间: 29.6.2004 12:31
人家不过是好心回答一下问题而已,您出言挖苦,大可不必。 <!--emo&--><img src='http://www.kaiyuan.de/modules/ipboard/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo--><br><br>

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