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标题: 在这里活难不难 [打印本页]

作者: qht12345    时间: 8.2.2003 15:45
我是一个打算来弗莱堡学习的&quot;后进&quot;,来之前发现这块风水宝地,特向各位已在弗莱堡学习生活的各位&quot;前辈&quot;咨询一下,在这里,学生公寓好不好申请,比如弗莱堡大学的,我在该大学的网站上找到它的SERVICEPACK一学期1600欧元,包不包括学生公寓的租金?得提前多长时间支申请呀,另外在弗莱堡生活每个月得多少开销,请前辈们不吝赐教. <!--emo&:huh:--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/huh.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='huh.gif'><!--endemo-->  
作者: 大脸皮皮    时间: 9.2.2003 00:59
It is not that easy to have a dormitary in Seepark -- you have to apply as early as possible.<br><br>500- 600 Euro/month perpaps.<br>but that depends.
作者: cyan    时间: 9.2.2003 09:46
“500- 600 Euro/month”算是比较贵的!
作者: 大脸皮皮    时间: 9.2.2003 21:29
ja. Die Wohnungen sind teuer und schwer zu finden.<!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--><br>aber die Stadt ist sehr sch&ouml;n.
作者: cyan    时间: 9.2.2003 22:54
<!--QuoteBegin--大脸皮皮+Feb 9 2003, 09:29 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (大脸皮皮 @ Feb 9 2003, 09:29 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> ja. Die Wohnungen sind teuer und schwer zu finden.<!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--><br>aber die Stadt ist sehr sch&ouml;n. <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd--><br>莱茵河!<!--emo&(y)--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/thumbs_up.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbs_up.gif'><!--endemo--><br>没去过Freiburg,其他的不知道 <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
作者: qht12345    时间: 10.2.2003 15:50
Thanks to everybody,more for cyanbird&#39;s translating of big face cat&#39;s writing,Now I don&#39;t know a bit of German yet.<br>another question ,is there someone studying in uni freiburg,please introduing something about studying and living in uni freiburg,especially the way to apply a student&#39;s apartment.Thanks again.<br> <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo-->  
作者: 大脸皮皮    时间: 12.2.2003 17:29
well, 80% chinese here are students in this Uni, I guess <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--><br>You have to give us more information on your major, or what kind of study programm will you apply.<br><br>here you can find a formular to apply for a room in Studentenwerk:<br><a href='http://www.studentenwerk.uni-freiburg.de/Wohnen/WH_Antrag/antr_freiburg.htm' target='_blank'>http://www.studentenwerk.uni-freiburg.de/Wohnen/WH_Antrag/antr_freiburg.htm</a><br><br>It is unfortunately in German. By the way, try to learn a bit german, otherwise it is going to be hard to have a problemless life here <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--><br><br>On the page of the uni  (http://www.studentenwerk.uni-freiburg.de/, you will see other ways of finding a private room shared with others (so called WG).  Please have this in mind that each time before the semester begins, there is always a catastrophy with students searching in vain for a place to sleep. Start it as early as possible, before it is too late.<br><br>If you need any further help, please let us know.<br>good luck.
作者: Quankui    时间: 13.2.2003 10:30
作者: qht12345    时间: 15.2.2003 08:15
Oh,majesty Big face cat( I like to denominate you this name ,I&#39;m a catoon fan),you are such a good man (or a girl) so that iwill give you a sincere hug.   <!--emo&:wub:--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/wub.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wub.gif'><!--endemo--> <br>Now ,let&#39;s introduce my studying program. this is a cooperating program supplied by china and uni Freiburg.the chinese counterpart is 中国统计培训学院 (I don&#39;t know the formal translation). The dgree is international master ,the specialities supplied include economics \national ecnomics \network ecnomics \ finance.because it is a cooperating program the cost is 260 EURO per month in semester. the first batch student will arive in september 2003,because I haven&#39;t enough money yet so I have to wait for the next batch in 2003.<br>And I&#39;m scepticizing the reality of the program , if was it been formal registered and admited by uni Freiburg. Where i can get the formally official admission, is there someone know the degree program? <br><br>sorry, the former two post is pasted by me in nonymous mode.
作者: Quankui    时间: 17.2.2003 17:07
<br>From my point of view a Degree should always be &quot;earned&quot; by oneself instead of being &quot;conferred&quot; by a training program; Therefore one should always be skeptical on such training programs.<br><br>Noticing the difficulty of getting a dormitory for a normally enrolled student of the university one has good reason to believe that the university will never allocate any dormitory for those from the training program; In other words, I cannot believe that accommodation is included in the 260 euros per month. You will most likely have to find your own lodge besides this 260 euros per month expenditure.<br><br>Another fact is that, unlike most other countries of the world, Germany is a tuition-free country. i.e., if you are a normally enrolled student of the university, you don&#39;t need to pay any tuition. (while most people will have to pay for their language learning before being formally admitted by the university). Compared to your training program which seems more expensive and less reliable, I would really encourage you to apply for admission in the conventional way.<br><br>If you really want to study in Germany, in your case I think there is no other choice but to learn German well. Although one can find programs not requiring fluent German given one&#39;s English is good enough, these programs are usually at a level of at least Ph. D candidate. Getting admission from the university and visa from the Consulate IS difficult, but far from the difficulty that you will encounter during your daily life after your arrival, especially if you do not speak the language.<br><br>
作者: qht12345    时间: 17.2.2003 18:12
About these facts you said, I have same conclusions as your.<br>For one thing, the rent of dormitory is not included in the 260 EURO absolutely. Now, what I&#39;m caring most is if I can apply the service pacts, and the service pacts can bring me how much advantage.<br><br>For second thing, I know the importance of the German language, although the program is teaching in English like the other special international program Uni Freiberg supplied will to get a 1200 hours German studying, i.e. that the institute 歌德 offers.<br><br>Third, regarding my suspect of the degree program, this is the key, so I try to get some way to make it sure here. Do you (or some other) know?<br> <!--emo&:unsure:--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/unsure.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='unsure.gif'><!--endemo-->  
作者: Quankui    时间: 19.2.2003 08:45
作者: qht12345    时间: 19.2.2003 18:17
我的英语看来是快还给大学老师了,被你损成这样,害臊哇&#33; <!--emo&:$--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/embaressed_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='embaressed_smile.gif'><!--endemo-->从今天起,恶补&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;还好单词还没丢,好歹六年前过六级时恶背过单词.明天我就报个雅思班,拿到6分后,再用英文跟你侃.<br><br>被你狂损一顿,回答兄弟一个问题作个安慰吧,听说德国电脑并不太贵,且售后服务不错,弗莱堡有笔记本和移动PC卖吗?我想在当地买个精英i-Buddie A980,请在方便时打听打听.     
作者: cyan    时间: 19.2.2003 19:36
<!--QuoteBegin--qht12345+Feb 19 2003, 06:17 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (qht12345 @ Feb 19 2003, 06:17 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> 我的英语看来是快还给大学老师了,被你损成这样,害臊哇&#33; <!--emo&:$--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/embaressed_smile.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='embaressed_smile.gif'><!--endemo-->从今天起,恶补&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;&#33;还好单词还没丢,好歹六年前过六级时恶背过单词.明天我就报个雅思班,拿到6分后,再用英文跟你侃.<br><br>被你狂损一顿,回答兄弟一个问题作个安慰吧,听说德国电脑并不太贵,且售后服务不错,弗莱堡有笔记本和移动PC卖吗?我想在当地买个精英i-Buddie A980,请在方便时打听打听.   <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd--><br> 从善如流! <!--emo&(y)--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/thumbs_up.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='thumbs_up.gif'><!--endemo--><br><br>一般有MediaMarkt,Saturn, Vorbis以及各低价超市如Aldi,Lidl等的地方,都有机会碰到便宜的打折电脑! <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/biggrin.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->  
作者: 大脸皮皮    时间: 3.3.2003 19:53
Some late supplyment about tuition fee:<br>It is not any more that case that ALL study programms in Germany are free now  <!--emo&--><img src='http://bbs.kaiyuan.info/html/emoticons/sad.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo--> <br>I had a look of DAAD page several months ago:<br><a href='http://www.daad.de' target='_blank'>http://www.daad.de</a><br><br>The impression is that nealy everything which relates someway with the word MBA, requires tuition fee. There are different prices. I can remember (not very sure) that some ask for 7000 EURO pro year. not a small amount, right?<br><br>My experience is that try to find the information on web. Every such program should have a comprehensive page providing information to applicants.  
作者: Quankui    时间: 24.3.2003 09:41
作者: 匿名    时间: 4.6.2003 11:10
前几日收到Uni Freiburg的Email,得知过几日就可收到Zulassung。我申请的是VWL,有哪位前辈可赐教该专业相关情况。很惭愧,我对Freiburg了解甚少,请教大家我拿到Zu之后,如何在来之前联系好Wohnung。此外,目前我还没有考过DSH,大学里有语言班吗?是否收费呢?十分感谢。
作者: 匿名    时间: 9.7.2003 12:47

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