在脸书(Facebook)网页上,立顿伯格说她来自纽约,曾经在拉瓜地亚高中(Fiorello H. LaGuardia HighSchool)学习表演艺术。 此前美联社说,21岁的立顿伯格是那个夏令营的艺术辅导员。塔万佳营地是旧金山湾区犹太人家庭最受欢迎的度假地。在那次大树倒下的事故中,几名儿童正在吃早饭。四名成人被送进医院,但没有孩子受伤。
Victim: Annais Rittenberg, 21, was killed by a falling tree at CampTawonga, a Jewish summer camp popular with families in the SanFrancisco Bay Area. No children were hurt
Scene: Four adults were injured at Camp Tawonga and one remainedunaccounted for after a large oak tree fell on Wednesday nearYosemite National Park
Tragedy: The tree took down power lines near the campfire area,pictured, and dining hall but did not damage any buildings
A tree service vehicle arrives at the camp: The tree took downpower lines but did not fall on any buildings at Camp Tawonga inrural Tuolumne County
Responsible: Authorities said Pacific Gas & Electric Co wasresponsible for annual inspections of the oak tree that fellbecause of the nearby power lines that were knocked down onWednesday