标题: 新人报到 [打印本页] 作者: 傻傻的等 时间: 10.4.2005 16:33
[B]我是新人 刚来报到<br />Uni的学生,Informatik und multimedia (Master)专业。<br />来到新地方,两眼一摸黑。特别是专业学习,一头雾水,不知道怎么选课,怎么开始。<br />跪求大哥,大姐指点迷津!!!!<br />E-mail: marioshimin@yahoo.de作者: monica5240 时间: 11.4.2005 12:49
are u the one who i met in auslandersamt? i think so . if u have any problem ,please call my boyfriend.01799428114 oder 08212601699 . but he works thismonday and tuesday.(at night) anyway u can call during the day.)