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发表于 22.7.2016 09:10:53 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
台湾地区领导人蔡英文上任后首度接受媒体独家专访,由美国华盛顿邮报“拔得头筹”,她在专访中向大陆喊话,强调必须尊重台湾的民主意志。她称也非常期待中国国家主席习**在处理两岸关系上能有更大的弹性,也能够充分认知台湾是一个民主的社会,领导者必须倾听民意。蔡英文首度清楚回应“九二共识”,称接受大陆所设的期限可能性不大。  回答台湾与美国的关系时,她还声称,对于我们在台湾的人而言,我们认为我们是一个“国家”、一个民主“国家”。
据了解,蔡英文是在本周一接受华邮资深副主编Lally Weymouth亲自赴台专访。被问到有些学者指出,大陆有给期限要求承认“九二共识”,蔡英文回应,“要求台湾政府( the government of Taiwan)违反民意,去接受对方设的期限,其实可能性是不大的”。
  Lally Weymouth则以隶属中国国务院的国台办曾称蔡英文的就职演说为“一份没有完成的答卷(没完成的考卷)”,迄今也未公开表示他们体会到蔡的立场而提出质疑。蔡英文仅表示,“我国”政府的不同层级各以其与大陆政府不同层级间有各自的沟通管道。
  蔡英文并指出,过去这段时间,台方极为审慎地处理与大陆的关系,未采取挑衅措施,台方确保零意外(no surprise),同时盼通过上述渠道,能逐步建立互信。
  Lally Weymouth提及“台湾认同”议题,指蔡英文代表诸多认为自己是台湾人,而非中国人的年轻人,他们比年长的世代还更倾向独立,“身为总统”,您欲维持两岸关系稳定,然同时您又须让支持者满意,这当中您要如何取得平衡?”蔡英文表示,台湾不同的世代和不同的族群有不同的中国观,惟他们在一件事都有共识,那就是民主。  蔡英文还被问及台美关系,自1979年美国承认中华人民共和国代表中国以来,华盛顿方面迄今仍视台湾为一实体(entity),而非一个国家(country),这是否公平?蔡回答说,她并不清楚美国使用“实体”一词的意思,但对于我们在台湾的人而言,我们认为(believe)我们是一个“国家”、一个民主“国家”。台湾在世界不被承认的情形,的确并不公平。
  Lally Weymouth并追问,读者将难以理解何以身为台湾“总统”,来美国时却只获准过境停留四十八小时,这是否不公平?蔡英文回以“确是如此”。
  Lally Weymouth还问到,马英九有意向美国采购66架F-16战机和柴电潜艇,即便有数十名参议员连署支持,却未获华府同意,蔡是否将再次提案。蔡英文答说,现阶段台湾军队需要的是水面船舰、潜艇和防空系统,以及防御性的网路战力,并重申潜艇“国造”的政策。
  访问也聊及美国大选,Lally Weymouth询问,共和党总统候选人希拉里或民主党候选人特朗普当选,哪一人会对台湾更好?蔡英文说,对美国总统大选发表评论是不明智的。
  在问及南海仲裁结果时,Lally Weymouth指出,蔡英文对仲裁结果表达失望立场,尤其太平岛被判定为礁而非岛,因此不能享有专属经济海域,蔡是否会遵守这样的结果?
  Lally Weymouth询问,蔡英文是亚洲第一个被选出来的女性“总统”,且并非出生在政治世家,是如何做到的?
  在聊及陆客来台湾问题时,Lally Weymouth指根据相关报道,陆客减少(drop-off )来台,是否冲击台湾旅游业?蔡英文并未多作说明,仅说希望旅游客来源更为多样化。
  Lally Weymouth也提及大陆未来可能给予台湾更大压力,如以削弱台湾债券(bonds)方式“吓走”台湾“邦交国”等,蔡英文是否担忧?
蔡英文说,如果中国大陆要采取经济措施对台施压,他们也必须思考要为此付出的代价,因周边国家也在紧密观察,中国大陆将用什么样的方式对付台湾。她也说,政府会尽一切努力维系与“邦交国”的关系,并让他们认为与台湾邦交是值得的。  在问及如何提高经济成长率并提高工人权益时,蔡说,这是没有灵丹妙药的,因台湾的经济需要的是整体结构的调整,而政府所得新模式是侧重创新研发,这跟过去以制造业为中心带动经济成长的模式不同。
  Lally Weymouth问,中国大陆是不是台湾第一大“贸易伙伴”?蔡英文坦言,中国大陆确实是,但双方在经济上的互补性正在减少;我们过去曾有组织生产线的能力,但我们后来为了劳力因素把加工产能都迁移到大陆,让情势完全改观。




 楼主| 发表于 22.7.2016 09:18:41 | 只看该作者
Tsai Ing-wen is the first woman to be elected president of the small island of Taiwan, a close U.S. ally but also a potential flash point, because Beijing asserts that Taiwan belongs to the People’s Republic of China and can never be independent. Quite a few Taiwanese in Tsai’s party see it differently. Although China and Taiwan have been able to paper over their differences to date, tensions have been mounting since Tsai’s inauguration, when she did not restate the so-called ’92 consensus, in which Taipei and Beijing agreed that they are part of “one China” — but with different interpretations. This week, The Washington Post’s Lally Weymouth visited Tsai’s office for the president’s first interview since taking office. Edited excerpts follow:

  Q: What is your impression of Chinese President Xi Jinping?

  A: I think that Chairman Xi’s courage tackling corruption is an important matter in the development of Chinese society. I also look forward to him showing a bit more flexibility in dealing with cross-strait relations. I hope that he can appreciate that Taiwan is a democratic society in which the leader has to follow the will of the people.

  Q: Some academics say Xi has a certain deadline by which he wants you to agree to the ’92 consensus. Is that right?

  A: It isn’t likely that the government of Taiwan will accept a deadline for conditions that are against the will of the people.

  Q: Since your inauguration in late May, the Chinese have cut off the official channel that was used to communicate between Taiwan and the mainland. How do you plan to handle day-to-day relations with Beijing?

  A: We have always had diverse channels of communication across the strait. These include not just official communications but also people-to-people contacts. ... There are differences between the positions of the two sides of the strait. In Taiwan, we have done our best to minimize that gap. I believe that the Chinese realize the goodwill we have put forth at the inauguration.

  Q: It doesn’t seem that way. I think it was China’s Taiwan Affairs Office, part of the State Council, which said that your speech was “an incomplete exam.” There is no public indication that they appreciated your position. Are you, the president, in touch with your counterparts in the Chinese government?

  A: Different levels of the government have different ways of communicating with their counterparts in China. At this stage, I cannot go into too much detail.

  Q: Do you feel you are closing the gap between Taiwan and the People’s Republic of China?

  A: Over this past period we have handled relations with China very carefully. We do not take provocative measures, we make sure that there are no surprises, and we hope that through channels of communication, we can gradually build up trust.

  Q: You represent many of the youth who think of themselves as being Taiwanese, not Chinese. They are more pro-independence than the older generation. As president, you want to maintain cross-strait relations for stability, but at the same time, you must keep your followers happy. How do you balance these factors?

  A: Different generations and people of different ethnic origins have different views on China. But they all agree on one thing. That is democracy.

  Q: Is it fair that Washington has considered Taiwan an entity, not a country, since 1979, when the United States changed sides and recognized the People’s Republic of China (with its capital in Beijing) — in lieu of the Republic of China in Taiwan (with its capital in Taipei) — as China?

  A: I am not clear what the U.S. means when they use the term “entity.” For us here in Taiwan, we believe that we are a country, a democratic country.

  Q: So isn’t it unfair that Taiwan is not recognized in the world?

  A: It is indeed unfair.Q: American readers would find it hard to understand that you, as a Taiwanese president, are only allowed to come to the United States for 48 hours, and then only if it is a transit stop.

  A: Indeed.

  Q: There has reportedly been a drop-off in tourists from the mainland. Will that hurt your tourist industry?

  A: We hope to have a more diverse source of tourists.

  Q: China could bring more pressure on Taiwan if it chose to. They could frighten away your diplomatic allies by threatening to weaken your bonds with them. Are you worried about that?

  A: If they do take economic measures to apply pressure to Taiwan, they will have to think about the price that they are going to pay. Because the surrounding countries will be looking very carefully at what measures China will take against Taiwan.

  Q: So you think as far as your alliances go, they will stay as they are today?

  A: We will do everything we can do to maintain those relations and make sure that our diplomatic allies feel that having diplomatic relations with Taiwan is worthwhile.

  Q: Your predecessor, President Ma Ying-jeou, wanted to buy 66 F-16s from the United States. Even though 47 senators wrote in support of his request, nothing happened. Do you intend to repeat that request?

  A: At the current stage what we need are surface ships, submarines and air defense systems, as well as defensive capabilities in terms of cybersecurity.

  Q: I think Ma also asked for diesel submarines and got nowhere. Will you repeat that request?

  A: We are trying to develop our own [submarines].

  Q: When it comes to the U.S. election, Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump — who would be better for Taiwan?

  A: As the leader of a different country, it is not very wise for us to comment on the presidential election in the U.S.

  Q: I understand that the focus of your program is domestic — that you want to raise wages, to give people more time off. But with a growth rate under 1 percent, how can you spur the economy while delivering increased social services?

  A: There is no panacea for this. I think Taiwan’s economy needs an overall structural readjustment. Our new model focuses on innovation and research. This is different from our growth model in the past, which was centered on the manufacturing industry.

  Q: Isn’t China your No. 1 trading partner?

  A: China is still our largest trading partner; however, complementarity between our economies is decreasing. We had the ability to organize a manufacturing process, and then we moved our manufacturing capability to China to make use of their labor pool. But now the situation is very different. [Chinese] labor costs are increasing, and China has their own capability.

  Q: So China has become a competitor of Taiwan?

  A: They are more and more our competitors.

  Q: I saw that you expressed disappointment over the ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague on the South China Sea. It held that Taiping Island, which you claim as part of Taiwan, is a rock, not an island, and thus cannot enjoy an exclusive economic zone. Will you abide by the ruling?

  A: We will not accept their decision. There are a couple of reasons for that. Taiwan is an important interested party in this case, but we were not invited to participate in the proceedings. Secondly, we found it unacceptable that we were referred to as the Taiwan Authority of China. The third reason is that [Taiping Island really is] an island.

  Q: You are the first woman in Asia who does not come from a political family to be elected president of a country. How did you do it?

  A: I think that my emergence as a leader is closely related to the development of Taiwan’s democracy. Taiwan’s democracy was a gradual development. It was done from the bottom up. Therefore a lot of the more successful political leaders come from civil society, those that are closer to the grass-roots level of the public.

  Q: It must have been difficult to be a woman leader in such a male-dominated society.

  A: Yes, to a certain extent. But I think that the society and our democracy are mature enough to place emphasis on the quality and the value of the individual politician, rather than their gender. Some people will find it fashionable to have a woman leader, but I think the reason people chose me as the leader of this country is because my policies and my values suit the needs of Taiwan today. We represent people who want to have change in the society. For years, this place has been dominated politically by a single party, the Kuomintang. People now want the place to be more democratic. They want to place more emphasis on human rights and transparency in terms of government decision-making. This is different from the way the government conducted business in the days when this was pretty much an authoritarian place.
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