<span style='color:blue'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><b>华为在德国分公司意招中国留学生一名,<br />男女不限,可以尽快入职(2007年2月份),具体要求如下:<br /><br />岗位: 技术支持工程师<br />专业要求: ET专业,Diplom或者Master毕业<br />语言计算机要求: 德语,英语书面,口语流利,能够熟练使用各种办公软件,<br />工作地点: 科隆<br /><br /><br />薪水方面可以商谈,如果有意向的话,<br />可以将简历直接发至email: liqingwei@huawei.com <br /><br />注:请附中、英、德三种语言版本的简历</b></span></span><br /><br />具体要求如下<br /><br /><span style='font-size:9pt;line-height:100%'><b> erson Specification</b></span><br /><br />Essential knowledge/skills: <br />In-depth, current, technical knowledge of: Routing, Switching, Voice over IP, NGN, IMS<br />Telecommunication Protocols/Standards (SS7, SIP, H323, MGCP,H248 ,TCP/IPetc) knowledge,<br /> roven ability to diagnose and localise issues using logical analysis techniques.<br />Ability to understand the commercial environment whilst focusing on technical issues. <br />Ability to work across cultural and organisational boundaries, and operate successfully in an intense business environment.<br />Ability to work with customers, internal business unit organisations, and third party vendors.<br />Ability to live with occasional night shifts and long-term business trips.<br />Ability to perform job functions to standards under pressure of tense/confrontational situations.<br />Ability to remain calm and courteous with demanding/difficult customers and/or situations.<br />Ability to provide concise and clear, written and verbal reports in German/English/Chinese.<br />Ability to work independently.<br />Fluent communication in English/German/Chinese. <br /><br /><br />Essential experience: <br />With experience working on telecom industry will be priority.<br /> roven ability to interact with diverse customers in a multi-cultural environment.<br /> roven ability to communicate in German/English with customers and colleagues to their understanding.<br /> roven ability to provide legible communication. <br /><br />Essential qualification(s): <br />Diploma/master degree or above in a relevant technical discipline.<br />Basic literacy and numeric skills<br />Computer literate(windows and unix server, MS office serious) |