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发布时间: 27.5.2010 01:34


本帖最后由 ferngo 于 27.5.2010 02:41 编辑 ( B* s7 U2 R* r4 ^; f4 o& W) n- L/ ]& n3 J* o- Q $('swf_Gcx').innerHTML=AC_FL_RunContent('width', '550', 'height', '400', 'allowNetworking', 'internal', 'al ...


ferngo 发表于 28.5.2010 14:27:55
回复  chunli
) j) X6 C. H2 m8 i5 u) n
' i% W( ?/ J* }& M% o& o4 T  a; e& m5 n8 e
    Germany- C# M; N" }: \' S* a. a; ?
Dog meat has been eaten in every major German crisis at least since the  ...6 A1 M9 k% ?$ \
blueprince 发表于 28.5.2010 14:34

5 J% K1 @* P% g% q7 ^# n! J# x5 i2 D: R  o' L
$ |3 [4 u9 X- O. ]+ w! |
blueprince 发表于 28.5.2010 13:34:20
回复 5# chunli ( v6 O0 u: j% ~" T) v

4 G5 y5 j2 _8 }9 y1 n) j
; {  u% R, V4 Q  y& `9 y' c    Germany
3 K$ V% L, Q, O3 Z5 zDog meat has been eaten in every major German crisis at least since the time of Frederick the Great, and is commonly referred to as "blockade mutton."[42] In the early 20th century, consumption of dog meat in Germany was common.[43] In 1937, trichina inspection was introduced for pigs, dogs, boars, foxes, badgers, and other carnivores.[44] Dog meat has been prohibited in Germany since 1986.[45]
blueprince 发表于 28.5.2010 13:28:44
Germany/ E' R4 p, u* [: ^' d/ ^8 N# {
Dog meat has been eaten in every major German crisis at least since the time of Frederick the Great, and is commonly referred to as "blockade mutton."[42] In the early 20th century, consumption of dog meat in Germany was common.[43] In 1937, trichina inspection was introduced for pigs, dogs, boars, foxes, badgers, and other carnivores.[44] Dog meat has been prohibited in Germany since 1986.[45]
cadick 发表于 28.5.2010 09:16:25
i will make lecker suppchen for you. 大概说中国是靠厨房和吃来交流的意思
5 [% Q- |# e) s' {ferngo 发表于 28.5.2010 04:23
; s* O- L; O0 |
0 x" _" M/ |; w; x
lecker süppchen 谢谢指导!
MyraWehmann 发表于 28.5.2010 08:58:43
天啊,还是说以英语流利为基础作的选拔呢!简单词没有听出来.德语更甭提./ w! m* T) v6 k# E- z- s; V5 h

: }& n, y* l2 P是被无良主持给涮了一把.好在别人咋说也为她们作了广告,这里的人也会觉得这4姑娘天真可爱啦.
ferngo 发表于 28.5.2010 03:33:09
这个主持人在德国出道以前其实是个metzger 在一个小城市作杀猪的。
ferngo 发表于 28.5.2010 03:32:00
她们说“拜年”~~~?' k6 i9 w. J+ b% z7 Z& y) q
dahuludekeai 发表于 28.5.2010 00:04
# L5 T. ?: ^, ~

  Y6 D8 ^' x, X0 E1 L) I5 S好像是说 whats (it) get for? because schweine ist...
ferngo 发表于 28.5.2010 03:23:47
* m" Y, [4 H+ R" \
8 e1 x, S3 b/ J9 Q7 o1 O" pleck 'supier' für you: P4 n, X: ]3 y) y5 W
) j8 d8 ^0 R& O9 z" W
' E4 B# l7 C- s: U2 t; O7 D9 Y4 w8 i
是肉片吗?' Z# A( |5 \/ E! ]: D" [" a3 H
cadick 发表于 27.5.2010 22:44
* Q( _  w# G( ?2 W! ~
7 n# V" z+ y% T, X
% I# B2 U; _0 Y0 P
   i will make lecker suppchen for you. 大概说中国是靠厨房和吃来交流的意思
嗨嗨屁屁 发表于 28.5.2010 01:33:00
愣是 taste他们都没听懂 哎


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