QUOTE(乱七八糟 @ 02.06.2006, 12:39 ) 我想邀请我的爸爸妈妈来德国玩,请问 1,我的签证有效期多久以上才能邀请?如果我的签证还有2个月到期,是不是可以邀请爸妈来2个月以内? 2,如果签证官给爸妈的是一次入境的签证,我可以带他们去法国什么的申跟国家玩吗? 3,听说办理邀请信的时候要交前3个月的工资单和工作合同复印件,请问净收入是多少才有资格邀请(我在慕尼黑)? 4,看到有些朋友说要开存款证明,是不是工作的就不用开了?因为我不懂德语,所以看不懂网页,也不会咨询,请知道的朋友帮帮忙,不胜感激!!! 5,我租的房子够40平米就可以邀请爸妈来和我住在一起了,是吗?
在下先谢谢各位好心的朋友了!!!~~~ [right][snapback]997162[/snapback][/right]
You are lucky, i just took these tedious procedures for inviting my parents to visit me! Following is the answer, 1, at least 6 months more, if less than 6 months, i have to say sorry to u; 2,yes 3,the invitation letter is optional, of course it may be helpful if you can provide. Principally, the financial gaurantee for you parents is 600 euroes per person per month, maximum is 3 months for traveling visa. 4, if you have a full time job, you can show the approval letter from ur employer and income certification instead of bank statement. 5, the lease for your room is optional, at least the officer didnt ask me to show him document of room when i went to administrative office.
Good luck! |