著名飲料公司百事可樂最近耗費鉅資請?韼孜划斀窳餍袠穳?钍軞g迎的偶像巨星,包括碧昂絲(Beyonce)、布蘭妮(Britney Spears)、紅粉佳人(Pink)以及安立奎(Enrique Iglesias)等人為該飲料演出?V告,?V告中三位女歌手扮演神鬼女戰士,安立奎則飾演羅馬暴君,三姝進到競技場後,共同演唱了皇后合唱團(Queen)的名曲“We Will Rock You”。這支在歐洲拍攝的?V告除了高價碼的明星酬勞,還有到歐洲的外景費用、仿電影“神鬼戰士”的三百六十度攝影、精心設計的?丫昂蜔艄猓?约笆褂谩癢e Will Rock You”的版權費,讓百事可樂花了不下數百萬美金。<br><br><a href='http://www.britneyspy.com/click_count/fclick.php?fid=pepsi_smeg' target='_blank'>http://www.britneyspy.com/click_count/fcli...?fid=pepsi_smeg</a><br>点击右键另存<br><br><span style='color:purple'>现在链接通畅,欲下从速</span><br><br>Buddy you're a boy make a big noise<br> layin' in the street gonna be a big man some day<br>You got mud on yo' face<br>You big disgrace<br>Kickin' your can all over the place<br>Singin'<br><br>'We will we will rock you<br>We will we will rock you'<br><br>Buddy you're a young man hard man<br>Shoutin' in the street gonna take on the world some day<br>You got blood on yo' face<br>You big disgrace<br>Wavin' your banner all over the place<br>'We will we will rock you'<br>Singin'<br>'We will we will rock you'<br><br>Buddy you're an old man poor man<br> leadin' with your eyes gonna make you some peace some <br>day<br>You got mud on your face<br>You big disgrace<br>Somebody better put you back into your place<br><br>'We will we will rock you'<br>Singin'<br>'We will we will rock you'<br>Everybody<br>'We will we will rock you'<br>'We will we will rock you'<br>Alright |