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发表于 28.5.2024 07:24:21 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Tiangong Awards? (Part 2) 华山论剑!绍兴何以连夺五鼎?(下)
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4 a& C2 B& w4 ]8 j) D! x0 o- QTHREE 三. x5 Q# J$ F+ D/ ?. L8 u
In March alone, a major photovoltaic cell manufacturing project in Keqiao District allocated nearly 30% of its main business revenue to R&D. This substantial investment has created a strong competitive edge, with the project’s TOPCon solar cell 210R series achieving an industry-leading photoelectric conversion efficiency of over 26.4%.
6 E% v# h8 B$ V# [* XThe foundation of manufacturing development lies in innovation, which is also the driving force behind the continuous growth of Shaoxing’s manufacturing sector.6 F+ ]5 w* P  h' o% ~9 l* G
Shaoxing emphasizes a blend of “innovation-driven development and digital intelligence,” further strengthening its growth momentum. Over the past three years, R&D investment intensity has increased from 2.65% to 3.01%. The coverage of R&D activities among large-scale industrial enterprises is 90.3%, and the R&D intensity of these enterprises is 4.1%, both ranking first in the province. By the end of 2023, the digital transformation coverage rate among the city’s large-scale industrial enterprises reached 81.2%, placing Shaoxing in the top tier in the province. Additionally, the city has established 66 provincial-level smart factories, 7 “future factories,” and 4 national smart factories.
# d2 D5 F) A+ `) w$ T6 p- tAccelerating the development of new productive forces and igniting the engine of innovation is most effectively achieved through platform empowerment and the vitality of talent.6 x. ?/ q) @" @. \) Q& k
Platform innovation is advancing rapidly. Shaoxing has established 12 provincial key laboratories or engineering technology research centers and supports enterprises in cultivating 16 national enterprise technology centers (ranked 4th in the province) and 36 provincial key enterprise research institutes (ranked 3rd in the province).
* ?0 h4 v9 f6 G" r; wTalent resources are also rapidly gathering. Shaoxing is home to 12 higher education institutions, with a total talent pool of 476,000 people. In 2023, it again ranked first in the province for the number of selected national key talent projects, with 93 high-level talents introduced.
6 ]5 y* n& O% U8 N# K* rThe synergy of multiple resources continues to drive deeper innovation. The Huanjiang Laboratory, jointly established by the Zhuji Municipal Government, Zhejiang University, and Zhejiang University Holdings Group, has already incubated 16 high-potential tech companies, attracted numerous high-end talents, and undertaken 31 horizontal research cooperation projects, boosting high-quality development in Zhuji’s aerospace industry.1 C& @$ [% v: A0 g  _) g1 N
Currently, Yuecheng has established three 10-billion-yuan funds: a science and innovation fund, an integrated circuit fund, and a “415X” industrial cluster fund. These funds will provide substantial support for the high-quality development of key enterprises and projects, fully empowering the growth of emerging industries.0 o3 J. l% e% ]" ^0 d9 V
仅今年3月份,柯桥区一生产光伏电池片的百亿级项目所在公司的研发投入就占主营业务收入的近30%。大手笔科研投入锻造了核心竞争力,该项目产品TOPCon太阳能电池片210R系列可将光电转换效率提升至26.4%以上,业内领先。制造业发展的根本在于创新,这也是绍兴制造业发展的不竭动力。绍兴坚持“创新驱动+数智赋能”融合提质,发展动能进一步增强。近3年,研发投入强度从2.65%增长到3.01%,规上工业企业研发活动覆盖面为90.3%、规上工业企业研发强度为4.1%,均列全省第一。截至2023年底,全市规上工业企业数字化改造覆盖率达81.2%,居全省第一方阵,累计建成省级智能工厂66家、“未来工厂”7家、国家智能工厂4家。加快发展新质生产力、点燃创新强引擎,最有效的是平台赋能,最需要的是人才活力。平台创新加速推进。绍兴已布局建设省级重点实验室或工程技术研究中心12家,引导支持企业培育国家企业技术中心16家(全省第4)、省级重点企业研究院36家(全省第三)。人才资源加速集聚。绍兴拥有12所本专科院校,集聚人才总量达47.6万人,2023年新入选国家重点人才项目申报入选数蝉联全省第一,累计引进高层次人才93人。多种资源要素相辅相成、协同发力,联动效应不断叠加,激发出更深层次的化学反应。由诸暨市政府、浙江大学、浙江大学控股集团有限公司联合共建的浣江实验室,目前已孵化了16家极具爆发力的科技型企业,并引进了一大批高端人才,承担着31个横向科研合作项目,赋能诸暨航空航天产业高质量发展。目前,越城设立了科创引智母基金、集成电路母基金、“415X”产业集群专项基金各100亿元。这三大百亿级产业母基金,将为重点企业、项目高质量发展积蓄动能,全方位赋能新兴产业发展。/ p1 ]1 O3 n9 ?! Y6 L; E

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2 E" H5 z4 o( N; N" O4 jFOUR 四
7 n9 Y4 `, ~5 O2 r5 FIn early May, the construction site of the Shaoxing Gaodeng Baitai Biomedical Aesthetics New Materials Project in the Binhai New Area is bustling with activity. This project, with a total investment of 1 billion yuan, progressed from signing the settlement agreement to breaking ground in less than two months. During this period, Binhai New Area provided comprehensive “concierge-style” services, particularly resolving power supply issues at the project’s inception, which accelerated the construction pace.( C8 I: P' m, L% K, w
Since the beginning of this year, Binhai New Area has been continuously optimizing its business environment and introduced a new “Three Fast-Track” value-added service model: “Fast-Track for Project Signing,” “Accelerated Land Announcement,” and “Sprint for Land Acquisition.” Thanks to these services, by the end of the first quarter, seven industrial projects had received construction permits and commenced work, achieving 35% of the annual target.2 ^% {! C$ z, r1 _4 l5 ]+ i
Binhai’s “Three Fast-Track” service exemplifies Shaoxing’s approach of enhancing efficiency through “mechanism innovation and value-added services,” activating new momentum for high-quality development.7 }; d) d! U! T6 O9 b
To enhance the security level of the industrial chain, Shaoxing continues to implement industrial base reconstruction and industrial chain upgrade actions, and conducts pilot projects for “industrial intelligent governance” in cooperation with national and provincial authorities, creating a hallmark for industrial cities.
3 k9 y. z& K1 YFor precise industrial chain cooperation, Shaoxing has organized “Ten Chains, Hundred Events, Ten Thousand Enterprises” activities, holding over ten events with participation from 1,580 enterprises, resulting in orders worth 5.36 billion yuan, 75 project collaborations, and connections with 204 specialized talents.8 a  Q! S0 t. i4 j0 t/ c
To optimize value-added service provision, Shaoxing focuses on aligning industrial chain policies, formulating and implementing the “4151” special policy and other policies for integrated circuits. Last year, policy funds totaling 2.05 billion yuan were allocated, with a fulfillment rate of 132.1%.
+ N$ R% W1 u3 ~& }7 E, b0 ^8 YThe continuous improvement of the business environment is driving high-quality development of enterprises. In 2023, Shaoxing added six new listed companies, bringing the total to 100 by the end of the year, ranking third among similar cities nationwide.
' N3 G7 j* l0 [; @0 t初夏的五月,位于滨海新区的绍兴高登柏泰生物医美产业新材料项目施工现场,机械轰鸣。据悉,该项目总投资10亿元,从落户协议签订到拿地开工,不到两个月。其间,滨海新区提供了“管家式全链条”服务,尤其在项目开工初期,帮助解决了供电问题,加快了建设步伐。
, W: W) O8 C8 @今年以来,滨海新区持续优化营商环境,推出“项目签约提前跑”“项目土地公告加速跑”“项目土地摘牌冲刺跑”新“三跑”增值服务模式。得益于新“三跑”服务的助力,截至一季度末,滨海新区已有7个拿地产业项目领取了施工许可证并开工,完成全年目标的35%。滨海的新“三跑”服务,正是绍兴坚持“机制创新+增值服务”联动提效的典型实践,激活高质量发展新动能。围绕提升产业链安全水平,绍兴持续实施产业基础再造和产业链提升行动,开展部省联动“工业智治”地市试点,打造工业城市名片。围绕开展产业链精准合作,绍兴组织开展“十链百场万企”等产业链对接活动,累计举办十余场,参加企业1580家,对接订单53.6亿元,对接项目75个,对接专业人才204人。围绕优化增值式服务供给,绍兴注重产业链布局政策链,制定出台“4151”专项政策以及集成电路等专项政策,去年兑现政策资金20.5亿元,兑现率132.1%。营商环境的持续优化提升,助推企业高质量发展。2023年绍兴新增上市公司6家,截至2023年底,累计达到100家,居全国同类城市第三。
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