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发表于 30.4.2008 14:53:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
之前申请得到了08ss的zu,然后现在在纽伦堡上语言班,dsh目前没有考过。以前问了外办,是否可以延zu,回答是可以的。现在那个外办突然不干这工作了,于是在长期等待中,换了个外办跟我联系。这个外办说,我要重新申请,而且dsh要在7月15号前递交,不能给带条件的zu。可是7月前很少有学校可以外考dsh,那我怎么办呢??着急啊!6 |: V, r6 e' Z* g; T/ Z 下面是邮件的往来:- d% u3 c( @: d @1 K please aplly again for the wintersemester 08/09. You have to do this online on www.tum.de. The application starts at may 15th 2008. / t% u1 G7 i* m: Z 5 i! n }# j8 i2 YAre the certificates of DSH-Pruefung 'DSH2 or DSH3' in other Universities or FH admitted by TUM? Until when must I hand in the DSH certificate?: a( f) n" j. B2 f Thank you for your concern!) v3 R# Y7 H- s8 K# }: z% v" u ! \$ k# \0 z$ x5 U- |( kDSH 2 or 3 are admitted at TUM. You have to hand in this certificate until 15 th of July 2008.& W8 u# R2 P8 A" e- `' c# [. c. }* A ' A3 b% W8 d$ D6 J i! @Sorry, but that isn´t possible.
发表于 1.5.2008 06:25:02 | 只看该作者
If there are no many DSH at present, one have to take part in DaF. But there are still some unis which hold DSH recently, you can look for them in Internet.
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