Melinda Laituri on "Digital Representations of Legacy Landscapes"Lunchtime Colloquium9 R9 s! T1 z9 y9 C: S/ S% {
12.05.2011 12:00 – 14:00 ! q9 g7 v$ i9 V
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. Y/ F. p' p# | p' G# U* wLocation: Historicum, LMU Munich, Schellingstr. 12, Room 001
C4 b$ R- a2 Q% Z6 v* zProf. Dr. Melinda Laituri (RCC / Colorado State University) - "Digital Representations of Legacy Landscapes" As always, Lunchtime Colloquium is free and open to the public. Snacks served at 12:00, lecture starts at 12:30. ' a; C- T; W! G1 s% H. O