本帖最后由 穷二代 于 29.4.2010 23:32 编辑 9 E2 ^3 z0 \$ D
8 T2 w' M+ a) C, B! ]1 签名的原件. (其实中国人签字他们也不知道是谁签的,所以。。。。。。。自己想把,我什么都没有说)7 l6 [; l) K* f& s: g- n6 z
2 问题不大。就算与遇到这次的火山灰事件,持有有效签证,因为航班延误,过期的人都可以得到了临时签证。
n; A6 d: K; B" P: k/ D3 访友,2周一般不看住宿吧?再说是从英国过来,又不是从中国过来。
7 P: ^4 }6 |) Z1 M0 z4 N% E% Q
4 h9 S2 ^" j2 i' A, B4 ^$ y以前别人用过的,你改改语序什么的吧,要不然签证官看中国人的邀请信都一样哈哈$ Y3 k8 }- S4 f& t# k8 o
! {: F7 V) p' |$ r9 V
, r! x9 z) m. g+ a+ D$ hLetter of invitation
. y3 Z8 q& t$ }3 |% R& y2 ^1 y% w! K' I& }6 B* M/ z' x
I am very glad to invite my xxxx (Name, born on xxxxxx, passport No.xxxxxxxxxx) to visit me in xxxxxx, Germany from xxxxx to xxxxx. I was awarded xxxxxxx scholarship at xxxxxx euro per month plus xxxxxx euro in research fund per year since xxxxxx and I have got visa permit for my stay here until xxxxx.
( Y: I- b, Z0 ~7 b J I am going to provide all the traveling as well as living expenses for xxxxx during his stay in Germany. He will live in my apartment at xxxxxxx (about xxxxx ㎡) . 2 s P4 O3 ]9 M0 j) K+ a6 ]3 s" L
This is the first time that my friend visits me after I came to Germany and I am looking forward to his visit.
8 A+ A; X/ A3 ~/ N
/ X# ?7 b/ g, T) Y3 a sBest regards
$ N6 l) F( x, m3 O& \6 n
2 B5 L' S6 R0 G& l/ _$ d( V! K1 }) R
6 E0 r* F s! c" R7 _+ ^8 S2 jxxxxxx |