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发表于 4.6.2014 18:45:40 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
  为了吸引更多德才兼备的海外优秀人才,上海科技大学拟在慕尼黑举行 “高层次人才招聘宣讲会”。上海市教委副主任、上海科技大学副校长兼教务长印杰教授、副校长华仁长研究员及各主要部门负责人将在现场介绍上海科技大学的发展及岗位招聘情况,活动具体安排如下:: u* W$ h, C; q+ Y
     时间: 6月10日(星期二)下午14点至16点举行
: O9 P5 D% Y! K. \
0 \( @: t6 h/ |5 J, y1 K/ h
地点: 慕尼黑工业大学主校区N1090教室(见附件地图红点处)
' Z. t- I2 h5 B/ f0 b& D1 t报名方式:发送附件中报名表至学联公共信箱(chinese.muenchen@gmail.com),可现场递交简历。
/ n7 y( H, E+ }( w, X1 V1 J  `
# g# f* a6 Q6 a  L(宣讲会期间将安排茶叙以便供需双方深入交流)
) n6 [! ?# G) c% ?; P7 N交通提示:大家可乘坐U2至Theresienstraße站下车,前往慕尼黑工大主校区。
% |+ Q( {5 i9 L% }! [上海科技大学(http://www.shanghaitech.edu.cn/)是一所由上海市人民政府与中国科学院共同举办、共同建设的全日制普通公办高等学校,2013年9月30日经教育部批准同意正式建立,现任校长为中科院上海分院院长江绵恒教授。学校将针对我国在能源、材料、环境、人口健康、核心技术等领域所面临的严峻挑战,探索基于创新的解决方案,推动基于创新的生产力发展,为国家和区域转型发展做出实质性贡献。学校位于上海—浦东新区—张江高科技园中区—中科院上海浦东科技园内,与中科院上海高等研究院、国家蛋白质科学中心•上海、中科院上海药物所新药创制平台、上海微小卫星工程中心、上海同步辐射光源等国家级科研机构和大科学装置融为一体,与张江高新区的产业界、投资界有机衔接。正在建设中的校园占地约900亩,总建筑面积70余万平方米,校园建设充分体现“学生教师为本,教学科研融合,绿色环保智能”的规划设计理念,预计将于2015年秋季开学时基本建成。 ( R: T5 k# o# L: ]0 a: g$ F

) r5 O8 [; W3 B  j/ W1 l/ b( X学校瞄准物质科学与技术、生命科学与技术和信息科学与技术的前沿领域同时开展教授个体科研和围绕重大目标的团队科研,推动学科交叉融合、大学与国家级科研机构融合,构建科技进步驱动产业发展的完整创新价值链,针对国家在转型发展过程中所面临的一系列严峻挑战,探索基于科技创新的解决方案。目前,物质、信息、生命学院已制订了科研方向和学科建设目标,海内外公开招聘教授正陆续到位,免疫化学研究所和iHuman研究所已组建由3位诺贝尔奖得主领衔的研究团队,科研工作正全面启动。 % B3 f5 z  G  [- T4 S9 O2 k, ?

6 g2 l% G& a- b9 j; g欢迎在慕尼黑留学、工作的高层次人才及有志于加入上海科技大学的精英人士出席宣讲会。
7 w! M) f6 w, A3 H1 H3 F( L$ i
) Z; s3 ]' D) w4 Q. B$ X- Q' R附录(部分招聘信息):
( Y+ a! a$ u; W# b+ t9 J2 iWe are seeking applications and nominations for multiple tenure-track and tenured positions at all ranks.
. @, i0 A* [+ t4 H" A  v7 A( bInitial Research Support Package: University will provide internationally competitive start-up fund plus support of Research Associate and Post-Doctoral fellows. Laboratory space will be provided matching the research needs.
! ]0 h4 b! J0 O. L6 C3 i1 A/ RCompensation and Benefits: Salary is highly competitive and commensurate with experience and academic accomplishments. ShanghaiTech also offers a comprehensive benefit package including housing benefits.6 A0 b& B: B& T
1. School of Physical Science and Technology (SPST)# N/ F5 B( N% Q2 Q$ E
SPST is established to encourage interdisciplinary research particularly focused on Materials, Environment and Energy. The School is expected to have about 100 regular tenured and tenure-track faculty, 1,200 graduate and 750 undergraduate students.
- h$ |. r3 [& x4 t) ]) A8 x
8 q7 V- i# ?9 J8 L- L- ~Qualifications: Doctoral degree in Physical Science and Engineering as well as postdoctoral experience are required for applicants to junior level positions. They will be expected to establish an independent, internationally recognized research program, to supervise students and to teach two courses a year. The senior position applicant is expected be leading scientist in his/her research discipline. We particularly welcome those with research interests related to Energy, Materials and Environment Science and Engineering to apply.
, \& L: u& W8 ]7 H* p5 b2. School of Information Science and Technology (SIST)
3 O. C2 ?. _6 o3 Q+ N) [SIST seeks first-class faculty candidates in all cutting edge areas of Information science and technology. Our recruitment focus includes, but is not limited to, the following special research areas: advanced computer architecture and technologies, nano-scale electronics, ultra-high speed and low power circuits, intelligent multimedia and integrated signal processing systems, next-generation computer systems, computational foundations, big data, data mining, visualization, computer vision, bio-computing, smart energy/power devices and systems, highly-scalable and multi-service heterogeneous networking, as well as various inter-disciplinary areas involving the foundation and applications of information science and technology.
0 ?3 K  D6 w* ?9 J7 HQualifications: Candidates must demonstrate: A strong interest in undergraduate and graduate education; Well-developed research plans and demonstrated record/strength/potentials; Ph.D. (Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Computer Science, or closely related field); A minimum relevant research experience of 4 years.3 g% g) M% M* e$ s7 G+ f
3. School of Life Science and Technology (SLST)
% s6 X/ e6 d- r% U! nSLST seeks first-class scientists in these five research areas: protein science and biotechnology; stem cell research and regenerative medicine; epigenetics, genomics, and systems biology; translational medicine; physical biology and molecular imaging; chemical biology and innovative pharmacology.
2 \7 k" S: A5 P2 n+ |Qualifications: The successful candidates should have an exceptional track record of research in life sciences or a closely related discipline within the last five years. Besides maintaining an active research program, the recruited candidates will also be expected to contribute to the educational missions of undergraduate and graduate programs within SLST.
+ e8 O" f6 i0 ]- K4. School of Entrepreneurship and Management (SEM)
6 j+ ^) L, q% H* Y5 PSEM provides students with practical knowledge in strategic emerging industries where there is a high demand for commercialization of innovation that advances China's economic development. SEM programs focus on the applied fields of technology innovation management, entrepreneurship and MSE management, as well as venture capital management. SEM offers advanced studies through MBA, EMBA, and EDP programs.
" |) I& Y" L9 O" b/ |
0 U( B6 T2 w1 ^5 k" a, r3 o3 cQualifications: An applicant should possess a doctoral degree in professional studies such as Economics, Finance, or Management. Industry experience is preferred but not necessary. Faculty responsibilities include teaching MBA or EMBA students and conducting applied research often working with companies. SEM especially welcomes applicants with interests related to Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Venture Capital.
% M5 c2 m0 P' y; B+ R5 d% L) H5. Shanghai Institute for Advanced Immunochemical Studies (SIAIS)2 b, t* C1 g  w+ `- j* t) F- J
SIAIS focuses on elucidating the most fundamental problems in life sciences, particularly in immunochemistry. We are seeking highly motivated and outstanding candidates with strong interests in antibody design and engineering, phenotypic assay method and novel platform technology, antibody therapeutics, ADC chemistry, structural biochemistry, cell biology and stem cell biology.
% u8 a$ i/ F' H9 VQualifications: Qualified candidates should possess a doctoral degree in physical or life science with successful track records in academia or pharmaceutical industry. SIAIS particularly welcomes those with research interests that emphasize innovation and transformation.' w% H0 ]7 G# `* C6 \  a, E
6. The iHuman Institute& m1 ~/ Q: s& d" f6 h. w
The iHuman Institute is established to encourage interdisciplinary computational and experimental research focused on human cell signaling combining chemistry, biology, imaging, and structural biology. Academic basic sciences and applied sciences with industry will be integrated together providing all researchers with unique scientific opportunities.* i+ Z5 |9 a+ L, A2 h* |! K
3 Y( ^+ N4 s3 T* ]
Qualifications: Successful applicants should have a doctoral degree in Physical or Life Sciences as well as postdoctoral experience for junior level position. Applicants will be expected to establish an independent, internationally recognized research program and supervise students. The senior position applicants are expected be leading scientists in his/her research disciplinary. We particularly welcome those with research interests related to chemical biology and bioinformatics to apply.
: k* @: |; n' D: d$ l. Q" [Application Procedure: Submit a cover letter containing the description of the major research achievements, a 2-3 page statement of research interests, a CV and the names and addresses of three individuals who can serve as references to the email addresses given below:
4 W5 ]$ }$ q2 ^  m) u1 [3 xSPST:SPST@shanghaitech.edu.cn6 Q, l$ Q% I' s
SIST:SIST@shanghaitech.edu.cn6 j, t% ^& Y, E5 g/ h( \- g: S
: B$ {3 l/ n: ^) L; pSEM:SEM@shanghaitech.edu.cn& C5 C+ u( a/ m8 Z4 U: C  }  z3 c
. n- t5 S1 V' e0 C2 H8 yiHuman:iHuman@shanghaitech.edu.cn9 _( p, d& I8 j" Y' A9 }9 W; Z1 {
For all other questions:hr@shanghaitech.edu.cn$ k. S. x& T. h  O8 |
上海科技大学人才需求广告.pdf (30.13 KB, 下载次数: 382) 上海科技大学慕尼黑招聘宣讲会报名表.xls (27 KB, 下载次数: 395)
5 o6 |2 @* ^4 ?
& [2 v+ L1 X: [7 i1 r
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