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[其他] 华德福( Waldorf )教育与蒙式(Montessori)教育比较

发表于 1.1.2008 23:17:06 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
A Look at Waldorf and Montessori 中文翻译


华德福和蒙台梭利的比较 吴蓓 译

Barbara Shell



华德福哲学把游戏(Play 也可翻译为玩耍)看作是幼儿的学习过程和激发想象力的过程,游戏富有生机,是老师作用于孩子的一个完整部分。老师还把讲故事和想象力溶入课程中。









皮尔斯(Joseph Chilton Pearce)在《奇妙的儿童》一书中写道:

“用想象的素材填满概念的缺口,忽视所有的差异,这是孩子游戏的本质。重要的原则是:表面上是游戏,实质上是学习。儿童的精神(mind)运作在概念性大脑部分(the basic conceptual brain set)而不改变它。游戏的现实就像成年人的现实,既不是世界,也不是精神大脑(mind-brain),而是这两者的结合。孩子的智力是在想象自己与世界的转化中发展起来的。这方面极其引人入胜。他的意识沉浸在想象中,现实成了游戏,对孩子而言,时间总是现在,地点总是这里,行动的总是我,他还没有能力具备成人关于想象和真实世界的观念。他只知道一个世界,他所置身的游戏就是真实的世界,他不是在生活中做游戏,而是游戏就是生活。”

皮亚杰(Jean Piaget)表示:





2003年8月18日 翻译

选自<Waldorf Education-------A Family Guide>
edited by Pemela Johnson Fenner and Karen,L. river
<Waldorf and Montessori:A Comparison>
 楼主| 发表于 1.1.2008 23:18:28 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 1.1.2008 23:19:14 | 只看该作者


What a pleasure it was to read the open and tender dialogue between four wonderful Montessori and Waldorf educators (Holistic Education Review, Winter 1990).  I have cherished both movements for years.  I helped found the Shining Mountain Waldorf School in Boulder, Colorado, and have worked with the Montessori movement during the past five years as well.  It has been a delicate business, straddling the fence with these two dear friends.  Each kindly granted me an exemption, agreeing to overlook that I was also befriending the other in my spare time.  Nonetheless, I rarely saw openings for sharing the wonders of one movement with the other.

For a long time I held each movement in separate compartments in my heart and my head, considering the paradox of how they could both be so sound, so "right" - and so different.  Then, one day I was attending a lecture at the Naropa Institute, a Buddhist-inspired college in Boulder that is my third dear friend, and where I love most to teach.  Dr. Jeremy Hayward commented that the Buddhists regard wisdom (basic goodness) and skillful means (right action) as the two wings of the dove.  All of the Eastern parallels tumbled through my mind then - the feminine and masculine principles, the yin and the yang, and the way each contains the other in seed form.

In that state of mind I thought again about my paradox:  How could it be that Montessori and Steiner (founder of the Waldorf Schools) made sense, not as mere halves of what could be a good system if only put together, but as wholes themselves?  Suddenly I saw these two inspired leaders and their movements as a pattern of reverse symmetries.  I would like to describe some of these patterns here.

Rudolf Steiner began his spiritual activities with the Theosophical Society, eventually breaking away to form his own movement, which he called anthroposophy.  Whereas Steiner's affiliation with theosophy occured early in his life, Maria Montessori's happened late in hers.  She was visiting in India when World War II broke out and prevented her from returning to Italy.  She was interned in Adyar, India, for six years and forced to slow her busy life to the tempo of that Indian city - which just happened to house the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society.

It was also this war experience that drew Montessori to press for peace education above all else.  War played a vital role in drawing forth Steiner's vision, too, although it was the aftermath of World War I in his case.  Steiner was asked by Emil Molt, owner of the Waldorf Astoria cigarette factory, to devise an approach to education that could serve both the children of the workers and the management, and work toward reuniting a culture torn by war and class differences.

War brought about Steiner's initial invitation to participate in the formalization of an educational philosophy, and it brought to Montessori a deeper spiritualization of work already well underway.  Her work in education had begun with children in the Italian ghettos, children who would have been destined to find no niches in society without her dramatic interventions.

There are other reverse symmetries as well.  Steiner, a male in a masculine country at the end of a very masculine act of war, was asked to instill the feminine principle of honoring the basic goodness and inner wisdom of the child by reintroducing the arts and reawakening the heart forces.  In contrast, Montessori, a female in a feminine country already infused with the arts, offered disenfranchised children the masculine service of enculturation, apprising them of the environmental niches in society and building up skillful means in them so that they could take their place in the society.  Whereas Steiner worked to rekindle the imaginations of overly hardened children,  Montessori worked to diminish the excessive imaginative life of children who used that realm as an escape from a reality they couldn't grasp.  She strove to "normalize" them, to bring their practical activities and their imaginations into proper balance.
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