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分享 Classical Comments from Mom--One-night stand
17.11.2010 10:39
She came into my room,"have you had any one night stand?" My mouth was wide open! and she said,"well, I know it's quite popular among you young people these days! Be careful." Handed me a pack of condoms.
789 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 清晨的第一束阳光
11.11.2010 11:38
清晨的第一束阳光, 射进我灰色的办公室。 那个幸运的沉闷角落, 就这样泛起了金光 。
个人分类: Peom|742 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 童忆点滴
10.11.2010 13:22
还记得小时候,和邻居的男孩子们去建筑工地上玩耍。其中最重要的部分就是看谁能找到颜色稀少又漂亮的马赛克。在父母搬家之前,我是有满满一小袋子这样的宝贝儿。那时,我还收集邻居一个姐姐画的古装美女图,简直跟收集名作一般。不过,那姐姐不太喜欢我,每次我们去找她画,她都不会把最好的那张给我(不知道有没 ...
个人分类: 随笔|819 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 3
分享 重庆话版四级考试--你得多少分?
7.11.2010 15:35
一、听力题。(每题 20 分) 1 . 女:呀,你啷个老哟? 男:没啷个也!想事情! 问:女的问的是什么? ...
个人分类: 水贴|751 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Classical Comments from Mom--Nose Job
5.11.2010 13:31
So my nose...according to Mom’s standard it was flat!! After I moved away from them Every time I got home, Mom always said my nose got less flat, which, I assume, is a compliment. Finally, one time I went to visit them, sitting on the couch. Mom stared at my nose again, "Be ...
个人分类: 随笔|750 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 Classical Comments from Mom----Motorcycle
4.11.2010 04:58
Classical Comments from Mom----Just to Make Us Speechless! Mom is a positive, outspoken (talkative), restless, sweet little woman. One thing she enjoys is that whenever I call her “Mom” in public, people will just stare at us “with an unbelievable expression of how young your mo ...
个人分类: 随笔|761 次阅读|0 个评论
分享 星期二,溜冰去!
3.11.2010 05:08
又到了星期二,是去上溜冰课的时间。教练是一个 20 岁出头的小帅锅,是 Sophie 精挑细选(色女一个)外加冰场销售热力推荐的!这已经是第三堂课了,效果比自我预期的好,至少不会出现假想中的情况:培训结束后,还需要扶着栏杆滑! 教练授课的时间不长,就那么 30 分钟,所以全靠:悟性 + 练习 + 观 ...
个人分类: 随笔|448 次阅读|0 个评论 热度 1
分享 Thank You
3.11.2010 04:36
Thank You
Thank You …for stopping by, Like A dragonfly touches on the water, A rainbow suspends in the air, While Finger tips connect Heart beat.
个人分类: Peom|430 次阅读|0 个评论


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