I post here donation Information about 中国驻德国大使馆, hope our Corner members will do something, anything that you can, to help them.$ @0 [9 {: y7 F4 {
3 F, h9 N8 ~$ `中国驻德国大使馆专用捐款帐号
0 D" ^7 F" x2 h Empfänger: Botschaft der VR China4 j# }, z. v1 R$ l2 R7 U6 v5 E
Kreditinstitut:Bank of China, Hamburg Branch& e9 `, h7 X8 r q
KontoNr:0049053010(欧元),0049053515(美元): j8 I+ M; S2 h/ x) j9 Y
Bankleitzahl:20110800' C5 ^# K% p! r
& F$ @, r9 e. n! u (注:请用外文填写。)% o! |# }/ D2 g( [8 y
1 Q1 Y5 E1 z3 f& C7 X
[ 本帖最后由 sinux 于 14.5.2008 22:59 编辑 ] |