本會「網上捐款」網頁現正在進行緊急維修,服務將盡快恢復,不便之處敬請原諒.Online Donation Page is under urgent maintenance. Service will be resumed shortly. Please accept our apology for any inconvenience caused.
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市民可將捐款直接存入下列「香港紅十字會中國賑災金」戶口 You could donate directly through the following bank accounts of our “Hong Kong Red Cross China Relief Fund”:1 ^/ v& O8 @9 _3 G1 R- b* U8 q" J
: j8 ^7 w% U0 y, m
滙豐銀行 HSBC (004)-567-650155-016
" g# @) _. v; |恒生銀行 Heng Sang Bank (024)-267-175123-001' U" y/ _ E: c+ X; [& B& [& w
中國銀行 Bank of China (012)-806-0-000161-7 : i% |# G) g# _; B2 w8 {& y
東亞銀行 Bank of East Asia (015)-514-40-39966-3+ x" P: b# Z4 U7 J1 P; J3 _
' `3 C4 T3 N' Q7 Q K2 `或以劃線支票:抬頭「香港紅十字會中國賑災金」寄回香港夏慤道33 號香港紅十字會國際及賑災服務部。Or send a crossed cheque with the payee name “Hong Kong Red Cross China Relief Fund” to the International & Relief Service Department, Hong Kong Red Cross at 33 Harcout Road, Hong Kong.
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亦可到全港各7.11 便利店,以現金捐款。捐款時請註明捐予香港紅十字會。Or donate with cash through 7-eleven stores. You just simply indicate “Hong Kong Red Cross” as beneficiary organization.8 R8 g" j4 s, K3 O: L+ I8 ]6 i
0 `# T% b/ R ]8 S D: b" R
查詢熱線Donation Hotline: 2802-0021 |