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发表于 15.11.2003 01:53:19 | 只看该作者
1.she sells seashells on the seashore,and the shells she sells are seashells<br>,i am sure.if she sells shells at the seashore,the shells she sells are sea<br>shells for sure.  <br><br><br>她在海边卖贝壳,我肯定她卖的贝壳是海贝壳。如果她在海边卖贝壳,她卖的当然就是海<br>贝壳喽。  <br><br><br>2.i don&#39;t know why joan showed a yellow coat to the goat in the snow.  <br><br><br>我不知道琼为什么把一件黄色大衣给雪地里的山羊看。  <br><br><br>3.the man with fair hair dare not repair their chairs there because there is <br>a bear there.  <br><br><br>长着淡色头发的那个人不敢在那儿修理他们的椅子,因为那儿有头熊。  <br><br><br>4.master carl asks his class not to go to the parks to play cards.  <br><br><br>卡尔老师叫他的学生不要去公园打牌。  <br><br><br>5.the rat-catcher can&#39;t catch caught rats.  <br><br><br>捕鼠器不能捕捉已被逮住的老鼠。  <br><br><br>6.six silly sisters sell silk to six sickly se- nior citizens.  <br><br><br>6个傻乎乎的姐妹把丝绸卖给6位病歪歪的老年市民。  <br><br><br>7.ten tiny tortoises tried to talk to twenty timid toads.  <br><br><br>10只小乌龟试着和20只羞怯的癞蛤蟆谈话。  <br><br><br>8.how many cuckoos could a good cook cook if a cook could cook cuckoos?  <br><br><br>如果一个厨师能够烹煮布谷鸟,那么一个好厨师能够烹煮多少布谷鸟呢?  <br><br><br>9.sheep shouldn&#39;t sleep in shaky shacks, should they?  <br><br><br>绵羊不应该睡在摇晃的棚屋里,对吗?  <br><br><br>10.a spoiled boy destroyed a toy for joy.  <br><br><br>一个被宠坏了的男孩儿损坏玩具为了开心。  <br><br><br>11.nick had a big pig with thick sticky skin.  <br><br><br>尼克有一头皮厚而粘的大猪。  <br><br><br>12.some say sweet-scented shaving soap soothes sore skin.  <br><br><br>有人说用刮脸香皂能减轻皮肤炎症。  <br><br><br>13.five fine funny frogs frowned on furry furniture.  <br><br><br>5只滑稽可爱的青蛙在毛皮家具上皱眉。  <br><br><br>14.big blue balloons bounced by billy&#39;s brown bike.  <br><br><br>比利的自行车弹起了蓝色的大气球。  <br><br><br>15.the nurses in skirts washed thirty dirty shirts.  <br><br><br>穿裙子的护士们洗了30件脏衬衫。  <br><br><br>16.if a chow chews shoes,how does he choose which shoes to chew?  <br><br><br>如果一只哈叭狗嚼鞋子,它怎么知道选哪些鞋子来嚼呢?  <br><br><br>17.better beat a bit of butter to makea better batter.  <br><br><br>最好打一点黄油来调制更好一些的面糊。  <br><br><br>18.little willie&#39;s wooden whistle wouldn&#39;t whistle.  <br><br><br>小威利的木头哨子吹不响了。  <br><br><br>19.swan,swim over the sea.swim,swim, swim!  <br><br><br>swan,swim back again,well swum,swan!  <br><br><br>天鹅,游过海。游呀,天鹅,游!  <br><br><br>天鹅,游回来!游得好,天鹅!  <br><br><br>20.i see seven seagulls soaring southwards silently.  <br><br><br>我看见了7只海鸥悄然南飞。  
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