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发表于 23.10.2012 21:19:11 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
大家好,  U/ s; {+ u! f! X( V
在此转发香港科技大学的一则消息!10月26日下午4点30分,香港科技大学校长陈繁昌教授一行到访慕尼黑工大,并专门安排了与大家见面交流,感兴趣的同学可以参与,就易感兴趣的问题进行咨询。( n9 f/ f( _- A, u" \+ m% t" {
9 q* O% E$ M; a2 x5 \' q地点:慕尼黑工业大学 Senatssaal,Arcisstr.21(工大正门右手门厅上楼既是,可在门卫处询问)5 O: B& U5 D) S; {
; b" N( m! ^* n: M- h8 i' a
+ ^. D* N- E1 I慕尼黑学联
  c4 F! f" L0 E& ~' r/ B7 ?) B  ^0 N2 O9 H, x
DearStudents, 5 z! ]* D5 v, S+ X2 p$ J& H
4 \- o: x6 O; _' C. B
You are cordially invited to meet with the President of The Hong KongUniversity of Science and Technology (HKUST), Professor Tony F Chan on 26October 2012 (Friday). Professor Chan will take this opportunity to meet withstudents at Technical University of Munich and share the employmentopportunities in Hong Kong. Please refer below for details.
8 R/ g1 d) C' a. E! u! Z, DForenquiries, please contact hkusthk@ust.hk.! V& N$ `$ D8 Y; z* b
Hong  Kong Beckons
Prospects  of Hong Kong Higher Education and
Academic  Career Opportunities
at the Hong Kong University of Science and  Technology
in Science, Engineering, Business & Management,  Humanities & Social Science
Universities in Hong Kong have  transitioned from their current three-year undergraduate program to a  four-year program as of September 2012. This has been resulted in a dramatic  increase in the number of students and a corresponding increase in faculty strength.  At the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, we are offering an  array of faculty positions in one of the world’s most alluring cities.
An  Information Session with:
Prof Tony F Chan
President of the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
All  are Welcome.
Date:         26 October 2012 (Friday)
Time:       4:30 pm
Place:      TUM  main building, Senatssaal, Arcisstraße 21, 1st floor.
Enquiries:        hkusthk@ust.hk
Information about the  University:        www.ust.hk
Information about Hong  Kong:              www.gov.hk/en/about/abouthk/
   7 [7 ]% |0 N4 H  n" A* c  E. L
10月26日下午4时30分香港科大校长TUM见面会+ J4 B0 v4 r  C
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