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A Za~~A Za~~Fighting..............

热度 2已有 323 次阅读11.10.2009 23:26 |个人分类:碎碎念|

Because of the report, I just learnt something about Chile. Just got to know that Chile is the longest country of the world. The official language there is Spanish, only nearlly 3% people can speak English. That's why there's Spanish course in my school. But unfortunately I didn't take it. Really no time for another new language any more, the most important for me now is German.
Sometimes it's not so that terrible to study, but I just feel the time is always not enough. Maybe there're too many things in my life. I must learn how to make my daily plan, live efficiently. Time goes really fast, just like this weekend. I didn't complete everything as I planed. The impact is that I have to do more in the coming week. I deserve it!!!!
A Za~~A Za~~Fighting..............


发表评论 评论 (7 个评论)

回复 cadick 11.10.2009 23:30
回复 yourelf 11.10.2009 23:37
寂静的斯图: 为啥不用德语写...

回复 cadick 11.10.2009 23:38
回复 torres 11.10.2009 23:48
good luck prety, your way just start.
and I believe you will be proude of yourself severl years later
回复 yourelf 11.10.2009 23:53
托雷斯: good luck prety, your way just start.
and I believe you will be proude of yourself severl years later
hahahahaha, thanks a lot!

You're right, my way just starts, a long way to go........Though a little bit afraid, I'll still go on fighting......
回复 torres 12.10.2009 00:00
fighting is part of our life, enjoy the process. and also a chance to change yourself. ( i'm too old to change :)
so, go to bed now, no need to be so hard. take easy. listen some music, eat sweet, you will feel study is not so hard. go out to know more germay guys, they will teach you how to speak Germany  haha
回复 yourelf 13.10.2009 22:36
托雷斯: fighting is part of our life, enjoy the process. and also a chance to change yourself. ( i'm too old to change :)
so, go to bed now, no need to be so
hahahahaha, sounds great! I hope I really can handle it so easily.  I got enough German in my school every day, better no more German in the evening........ hahahaha But anyway thank you for the advice.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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