Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra Recruitment
Founded in 2009, Hangzhou Philharmonic Orchestra, as the golden name card of Hangzhou culture, has established itself as one of most promising and active symphony orchestras in China. Rooted in Hangzhou Qianjiang District, HZPO has ventured to perform across all disciplines of arts, and is being the best stage for Hangzhou culture to the world.
杭州钱江新城夜景 Night View of Hangzhou Qianjiang District
2016年,乐团圆满完成G20杭州峰会“最忆是杭州”晚会的演出,成功走进世界观众的眼睛,这成为杭州爱乐飞速发展的里程碑式转折点。2017年,乐团顺利承办杭州国际音乐节,并获得业界一致好评,彰显杭州爱乐的专业实力与国际风范。 如今,杭州爱乐已迈入全新发展阶段,并在成为“国内一流、世界知名”的道路上加速前行。
After successful participation in the Evening Gala “Enduring Memories of Hangzhou” for the G20 Leaders Summit in 2016, HZPO entered the view of whole world. In 2017, HZPO organized Hangzhou International Music Festival and won critical acclaim. Nowadays, HZPO has come into a more international development mode, and is moving more rapidly on the way towards becoming “top in China and renowned worldwide”.
2016年杭州爱乐参加G20杭州峰会“最忆是杭州”晚会的演出 HZPO participated in Evening Gala “Enduring Memories of Hangzhou” for G20 Leaders Summit 2016
After the successful Hangzhou recruitment on 12th March 2018, HZPO will continue to conduct recruitment auditions in Europe in May 2018.
杭州爱乐乐团全家福 Group Photo of HZPO
[size=1em]乐队副首席 [size=1em]Associate Concertmaster
[size=1em]大提琴副首席 [size=1em]Associate Principal Cello
[size=1em]低音提琴首席 [size=1em]Principal Bass
[size=1em]低音提琴副首席 [size=1em]Associate Principal Bass
[size=1em]小提琴演奏员 [size=1em]Violin Tutti
[size=1em]大提琴演奏员 [size=1em]Cello Tutti
[size=1em]Woodwinds, Brass and Percussions
[size=1em]Associate Principal Oboe [size=1em]
[size=1em]Principal French Horn
[size=1em]小号副首席 [size=1em]Associate Principal Trumpet
[size=1em]长号副首席(兼低音长号) [size=1em]Trombone (Associate Principal) / Bass Trombone (One Position)
[size=1em]定音鼓副首席兼打击乐 [size=1em]Timpani (Associate Principal) / Percussion (One Position) [size=1em]
[size=1em] 长笛演奏员 Flute / Piccolo Tutti (One Position)
打击乐演奏员 Percussion Tutti
1. 热爱交响乐,有较高职业素质、专业技能和团队协作精神; 2. 中国籍考生需具有大学本科及以上学历; 3. 根据外国人来华工作的相关条例规定,非中国籍考生需满足以下条件之一: 1)具有学士学历,并能提供两年工作经历证明; 2)应届毕业硕士考生需提供平均分85分以上的成绩证明,往届硕士考生需提供工作经历证明; 4. 英语流利,可作为工作语言,身体健康; 5. 初试:发送演奏视频至指定邮箱,并由乐团评审团评定出入围者。 6. 复试:乐团邮件通知入围者参加现场考试,择优录取。
1. Applicants should be passionate and professional in music career, with excellent team spirit; 2. Applicants with Chinese nationality should have a bachelor’s degree or above; 3. According to regulations of foreigners' working permit in China, applicants without Chinese nationality should fit one of the following requirements: 1) applicants with bachelor degree should provide a proof of 2-year working experience; 2) graduating students of 2018 with a master degree sould provide a transcript of studies with GPA above 85;non-2018 graduates with master degree should provide working experience; 4. Applicants should speak fluent English; Applicants should be in good health; 5. The preliminary round: video recording shall be sent to the specified email, and will be assessed by HZPO's arts committee; 6. The live audition: shortlisted candidates will be invited to the live audition via email. [size=1em]
[size=1em] 1) 报名表; 2)学历证明及工作经历证明(非中国籍本科毕业生需提供2年以上工作证明,非中国籍应届硕士毕业生需提供成绩证明); 3) 初试考试内容:个人演奏视频材料 (无曲目要求,建议上传至优酷网); 4) 获奖证书(如果有)。 3. 初审通过后,乐团将于2018年5月10日前通知入围者复试详情。复试时需携带材料如下: 1) 身份证件 ; 2) 学历及相关履历证明的原件、复印件;
2. Send materials to hzpohr@163.com, with the subject in the following form: “Your Name + Position You Apply For”. Materials required include: 1) Application form; 2) Education certificates and proof of working experience ( Applicants without Chinese nationality with bachelor degree should provide a proof of working experience; graduating applicants without Chinese nationality with master degree should provide a transcript of studies; 3) Assessed materials for the preliminary round: video of solo performance (No required content, Youku is preferred to upload the video to); 4) Honor certificates (if any). 3. After preliminary auditing, HZPO will inform candidates to participate the live audition before 10th May 2018. Materials required in live audition include: 1) ID card or passport; 2) Graduate certificate, and other relevant proofs to your resume (original documents and copies).
[size=1em] 1. 考试时间:2018年5月15日 德国柏林; 2018年5月18日 奥地利维也纳; 2. 考试地点:具体地点另行通知; 1) 独奏,请从乐队指定独奏曲目中选取; 2) 乐队指定片段; 3) 视奏(待定)。
1. Date: 15th May 2018 Berlin, Germany; 18th May 2018 Vienna, Austria; 2. Place: Please wait for further notice; 3. Content: The recruitment catalogue is listed as follows. Please visit the Download Center on Official Website http://hzpo.org/en/#/download to download the recruitment score. 1) Solo (please choose from the solo repertoires assigned by HPO); 2) Orchestra excerpt. [size=1em]
1. 录用人员与乐团签订工作合同,试用期为半年;中国籍人员经过考核可进入国家事业编制。 2. 演奏员年收入20万人民币起(税前),根据席位不同递增; 3. 乐团每年有30天的带薪假期; 4. 乐团将依据国家和地方相关政策为录用人员缴纳社会保险或购买商业险。
1. The employed will sign a contract with a half-year probation period with HPO; Applicants with Chinese nationality can be recruited as government affiliated institutions staff upon evaluation; 2. The minimum salary for Tutti is RMB 200,000 Yuan per year (pre-tax); Annual salaries ascend according to the orchestra seats; 3. All HPO members will enjoy paid holidays for 30 days each year; 4. HPO will cover employees’ social insurances or commercial insurances according to laws and regulations.
考试、谱务咨询电话:0086-0571-88808170 (周一至周五09:30-12:00,14:00-16:30)
Librarian: Tel: 0086-0571-88808170(Mon to Fri 09:30-12:00,14:00-16:30)
Application: Tel: 0086-0571-88808110(Mon to Fri 09:30-12:00,14:00-16:30)
注:以上所有招聘内容以乐团官网发布为准,请及时关注官网招聘信息的相关更新。 杭州爱乐乐团期待您的加入! Look Forward to Your Participation!