
发表于 26.8.2006 03:08:34
<br /><div align="center">一颗年轻的心 <br /> 却似唱出一段饱经风霜的世间百态 <br /> 疯狂的世界 疯狂的世人 <br /> 周围熟悉的面孔总是写满疲惫 <br /> 没有目标没有终点得在各自的人生之路上狂奔 <br /> 绕圈…… </div><br /> <br /> Alex 的低吟让人沉沦,深陷,难以自拔,歌声透出的不可遏抑的哀伤毫不留情地撕下听者的面具,将莫名的世界、茫然的世人,赤裸裸的暴露在听者的眼前,低缓咏唱后的挣扎仿佛一根套索拴住了我的脖颈,让我呼吸难畅。当最后唱道 Mad World 时,流露出的无奈和绝望已让我身心疲惫,无力再承受下去…… <br /> <br /> 本曲选自 Alex Parks 的第一张专辑《Introduction》,是电影《Donnie Darko》的片尾曲,原唱是 Tears for Fears,中文的有阿桑翻唱的《疯了》。最喜爱的还是 Alex 的版本,她独特的嗓音,偏向伤感低沉的音乐风格,带着一股不可遏抑的忧伤和些许的迷幻,把这首歌伤情、深刻的一面毫无保留的展现出来。<br /><br /><!-- wmv_n_start --><embed SRC="http://song.feifa-radio.com/O/20041212/6417/219099.wma" type="audio/x-ms-wmp" CONSOLE="WMVCliphttp://song.feifa-radio.com/O/20041212/6417/219099.wma" CONTROLS="ImageWindow,ControlPanel,StatusBar" HEIGHT="240" WIDTH="352" AUTOSTART="false"></embed><br><a href="http://song.feifa-radio.com/O/20041212/6417/219099.wma" target="_blank">--- 右击鼠标,然后保存 ---</a><!-- wmv_n_end --><br /><br />All around me are familiar faces<br />Worn out places, worn out faces<br />Bright and early for their daily races<br />Going nowhere, going nowhere<br />And their tears are filling up their glasses<br />No expression, no expression<br />Hide my head I want to drown my sorrow<br />No tomorrow, no tomorrow<br />And I find it kind of funny<br />I find it kind of sad<br />The dreams in which I'm dying<br />Are the best I've ever had<br />I find it hard to tell you<br />'Cos I find it hard to take<br />When people run in circles<br />It's a very, very<br />Mad World <br />Children waiting for the day they feel good<br />Happy Birthday, Happy Birthday<br />Made to feel the way that every child should<br />Sit and listen, sit and listen<br />Went to school and I was very nervous<br />No one knew me, no one knew me<br />Hello teacher tell me what's my lesson<br />Look right through me, look right through me<br /><br /> |