From:Mrs. Beatrice Tan Goh <>( n# ]; H" d B0 ^
9 N7 O W; u& t5 d( ?# k$ Y9 `1 l+ s' ~$ K/ w0 u' z7 u
0 H0 `1 e9 w3 ?. g" B+ D" x
Good Morning,% H" {% k2 G4 s s. ^
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I am Mrs. Beatrice Tan Goh, a staff of asecurity and safe deposit company in Singapore. I am in charge of Filesand Records. Over the years I have discovered in record a particularsafe deposit box which has remained dormant and unclaimed. Due to mypast experience in a case such as these, I decided to engage theservices of a private investigator to locate the owner but was informedafter the investigation that the owner was a spy for the ChineseGovernment and has been confirmed dead." j) r1 T o R6 q4 R# U
2 {1 d, }. `$ v; ]! R2 aThis information, I do not want to passunto my superiors for they will take possession of the money and allcontents of the box for themselves, while I will be given peanut tokeep my mouth shut as usual. e9 p- N6 L3 ? ]
, g; Q5 A) ]% b' ^$ v7 @
I came to these decisions in seeking theassistance of someone NEUTRAL to lay claim to these safe deposit box toenable me a better %./ C6 ^, H- C% r- ~
* c# T$ J# S3 i) R" f$ RI really do not know who to trust as mypast experiences with my company has made me not to trust any one ortalk about our company which is one of her standard procedures forsecurities.
4 [& g6 _6 a1 k8 V0 t/ E
; i, q m) X7 q+ h) c& `6 dI decided to contact you, even as I don’t know you before but because it will be much safer for me.& h9 U! e" i2 s! p9 x3 U
: R/ |% `, U3 j# P
I had secretly verified the content ofthe box, this action is a grave violation of the policy of thissecurity company; however I discovered that there is Twenty Two MillionEuros in cash as stated in records, some documents and a sealedenvelop, which I suspect contains the pin numbers of a Swiss account.
: P( r u7 B. G: V( K
, V( R4 @6 Y$ iPlease let me hear from you ASAP. PleaseI am sorry I can’t share more than these for now until I hear from you,please respond, This is my private email: (
" J+ W& |5 u! h% r2 @& N/ d$ T . a% I; g% n) }3 p$ T: v
Regards,* |$ ~5 _( ~# j; a/ F T8 c" Q) h
v; |* }% D& |: L1 Z2 ?
Mrs. Beatrice Tan Goh.; |* A% r0 p8 z! u8 Z! v$ G
/ A9 u& c0 r8 _% m7 t: y" h
5 u9 _0 g% N D6 @: ` g% \0 Z" l* N |