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【蛇年春晚】14-绿叶的遐想 -舞蹈-马琳(观众录制)

发表于 10.2.2013 05:21:27 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 monster_sivle 于 11.2.2013 01:28 编辑 ; e  J& z- N( z8 R( g2 o* w

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. {4 D* \1 u7 w2 D0 D: {% e# ~4 KMa Lin - Frühlingsfest in Freiburg 20139 `4 R( G9 L( D  g
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' B! w1 S: ~) |! M/ R14  绿叶的遐想  舞蹈  马琳
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' a, u7 f  l6 ^0 x- PAppearance of Ma Lin @ Chinese New Year 2013 on 30 January 2013 Chinese students celebrate the "Year of the Snake" The Chinese New Year (also called Spring Festival) is the most important holiday in China. 2013 celebrates the "Year of the Snake." The celebration begins in the cafeteria Rempartstraße where is served from 17.30 bis 19.30 clock a Chinese New Year dinner. Prepared is the food of young Chinese "chefs" who are studying all of Freiburg universities, and the kitchen staff of the cafeteria. The dinner will be in the Great Hall of the Mensa Rempartstraße and is designed for the large expected number of guests. clock at 19.30 followed by the opening of the New Year celebrations in the auditorium of the University of Freiburg (KG I). Demonstrated are Chinese arts, music, song, dance, comedy, etc. Admission is free. Chinese New Year Festival is a community event many participating institutions: Partners are the Chinese Students Association, the Confucius Institute at the University of Freiburg, the International Office of the University Freiburg, Freiburg alumni and the International Club of the Student Union. Wed 01/30/13 17:30 to 19:30 clock, Mensa Rempartstraße: Chinese New Year food intake 19.00 clock in the auditorium of the University of Freiburg (KG I) 19.30 clock the opening ceremony in the auditorium with specific program to 21.30 clock   |( W* W" _; x: w; E5 U8 |
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http://www.konfuziusinstitut.uni ... =article&id=102
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备份:& N% x  o7 [9 s5 h" J/ O, \
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-pSl_I1y9c! _1 T: L7 H3 z/ x+ w+ K
http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTEzMTE5MjQ0.html$ Z, N/ p# `. {' W
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