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慕尼黑英语角 *** munich english corner ***

发表于 16.7.2008 17:59:28 | 只看该作者
原帖由 maoxiaomin 于 16.7.2008 15:40 发表 9 s9 v+ k; W( e: F0 f# b Hey, you guys, I hope you still remember me. I'm doing pretty well in Chemnitz, and I miss you all! 0 f) E& A, @& b" u# n4 O4 z- E # x6 m9 D5 R4 c1 V( {9 ?$ D' v6 ?$ [To Perl: 7 m1 r+ q! ]! \# i2 H, o( @: h, t; w/ O( h3 | f. P9 q7 ]% P- g why on earth do we have to be native speakers, so as to speak English out loud in pub ...
7 T! X6 \7 T( D8 V* J% ~7 j( m) R6 v" c' Z % v8 v0 w3 @* h6 @% {if you say "talk loudly in public is kind of expression of freedom rather than rude, inconsiderable, face-losing manners", then my question will be why frowns, glares, contemptuous looks, tutting and muttering turn up if you talk loudly in public ? I conducted a research and the 80% passerby followed the reactions. Is the barrage of sighs and scowls a signal of recognition than humiliation? And you just simply oblivious to all these of signals and brazen it out. Then I really admire your resistance capability. 6 `/ O' Z, v% {& x! V# W" ]3 E Every society has their underlying rules and the people violating the rule, talking and laughing loudly in public are to treat as a disapproved, annoying manner in Germany. Even in china the louder mouths are much-frown-upon, isn't it? If you allege that’s called freedom, then what about quarrel, brawl, fighting, peeing in public, which are absolutely not lawbreaking manners and therefore should also be free by your logic, while I define it as bloody discourtesy, rudeness, disrespect and with your word „arrogance" in my world. $ _# G8 U5 j( p5 y ( A, w [9 k V3 T5 A7 c3 [7 bI am in quite belief you catch few what I mean or we talk different languages.! X Q7 r4 [3 ?: k) H: _; I- a% B , o% z) J! {/ M# o1 V[ 本帖最后由 perl 于 16.7.2008 19:06 编辑 ]
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发表于 16.7.2008 23:02:32 | 只看该作者
@perl . K7 I8 F, U5 k' _+ Ryour effort has been noted! i appreciated for that! 6 D. p2 T' S; r6 b) x D% L$ N8 t; X8 g7 V* _- r' k7 B since last time discussing, about 2 weeks ago, i drafted a request Email to Student Union's chef about activity place for English Corner in TUM. Unfortunately, so far so quiet. Maybe keep silence is one kind of refusing response, which makes us both uncomfortable, actually. & I' s: i" n: I! K- vhopefully that a positive response will be received from Munich Student Union soon!!) h3 x3 B+ ~/ \8 \& x1 s% l 8 \& F, d! Z& T; @$ ^( Q% y# Y meanwhile, a new possible place for running english corner has been issued. Ask LZ for more details of corner in this weekend.2 h; {5 X9 {$ J8 x+ \0 p 5 n7 b: h! I/ w" @0 ` have a nice night!
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 楼主| 发表于 17.7.2008 13:14:21 | 只看该作者
post has been updated! 4 C0 Y0 ~* Q) K/ D 5 s9 u2 K R" h: F" y; `" ras sinux said upstairs, a new place and time have been settled.
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 楼主| 发表于 17.7.2008 13:31:22 | 只看该作者
原帖由 maoxiaomin 于 16.7.2008 15:40 发表 ! n* c" k1 \+ U5 w9 wHey, you guys, I hope you still remember me. I'm doing pretty well in Chemnitz, and I miss you all! & O- l9 J( L% Y0 }2 ]. ~8 b/ a1 B- ^% f$ N: V3 ~ To Perl:# J* o0 [( T1 }% ?. N& z4 ?7 j 8 @3 d: G8 E- M0 t/ q. T1 D- Gwhy on earth do we have to be native speakers, so as to speak English out loud in pub ...
% l+ M% F' R, g% \ ' w6 x$ u, n3 c) k Hi, how are you? We miss you too. When will you come back to munich? Have a nice time there and take care of yourself!
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发表于 17.7.2008 20:24:17 | 只看该作者
Hey, I'm so glad you still remember me! I'm just doing great. Thank you! I don't know when I can go to Munich again. But I would really love to sometime. 5 ?0 Z+ G4 X2 p- t 1 B. C' p6 o" i Hey, Perl, I think the point you were trying to make before was, we shouldn't speak out loud in public because we were not as good as those native speakers......which could lead to the conclusion that only native speakers are allowed to speak their language out loud.....If my interpretation is wrong, please try to explain the whole native speaker thing you mentioned before. ! v; o8 m% a& c, F + e. v4 W' d) J- n- R/ T) g About the research you conducted...what the hack was that! I 'll tell you what. If I meet a foreigner in China, who's really making effort fo practicing and improving his Chinese, not at all will I feel uncomfortable listening to him, or give him a cold look.....I think I'll talk to him instead, and tell him to speak more and louder.....+ m1 k; X0 H$ ?* B$ U $ k' m ~$ V) T0 E1 R And by the bye, reading your messages is really an unpleasant thing to do. I had to use the dictionary all the time....Sorry, but I'm not a native speaker after all. But I'm a native speaker of Chinese. So if you want, I can talk in that with you, loud and clear, I promise!
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发表于 18.7.2008 12:54:40 | 只看该作者
原帖由 maoxiaomin 于 17.7.2008 21:24 发表 0 q$ [5 L+ E, ]8 H% F( qHey, I'm so glad you still remember me! I'm just doing great. Thank you! I don't know when I can go to Munich again. But I would really love to sometime. 5 v, a0 j. v( u* G3 K" q. i' R Hey, Perl, I think the point you were tryi ...
4 H$ K" k$ w# a( ?1 w* q- d4 U 8 c' N3 @; c6 ~# a0 WDid I mention somewhere or somehow that "we shouldn't speak out loud in public because we were not as good as those native speakers". For God's sake!! I mean the people couldn't keep their voice down maybe because they are not native speakers. We all have kind of feeling that one couldn't express oneself very well, if he or she can't command the language, say he or she is a foreign speaker, which I assume the noises derived from. I am sorry that I should have shortened my sentences to make everybody see. On the other side it reminds me the subject a few weeks ago "Quantity or Quality". Actually I should have thought you were excellent in the language, as remembered you speak in slight accent, contrastive intonation and correct phrasing. Actually I wish I would have given you a “warmer” welcome in response to your coming bake. , D$ f0 f& j( j2 D5 j ^7 z# g3 ]4 J' S5 d' y; r About the point weather one should practice louder? That should not be an issue at all, because that's too obvious and also not the point we are discussing, I suppose. That's defiantly a good measure to improve languages. If you really think it is necessary to put it on the table, I have to correct the point into „talk louder out of your territory". Just like if one is allowed at all to pick his noses, scratching themselves in intimacy or screaming rows with your partner? These are absolutely legal, and I assume everybody did it in privacy of the home. If you dare to perform all of that in public, I have to say, you must be a bold, creative and masculine creature. If you enjoy public presenting of the manners, let me see...... that's would be new topic.4 G! q8 b( Y& y# B. o9 `" Z 7 b; C8 S3 V+ a/ Y* q6 a/ p* y[ 本帖最后由 perl 于 18.7.2008 14:01 编辑 ]
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发表于 18.7.2008 14:58:09 | 只看该作者

dear all

I am afraid i can"t join you this weekend,; ~8 T/ | ~1 T . ]; W2 E8 n# M8 f8 [ cause i need to work at Sat.2 R9 W& [" H' w+ ~4 G7 ` : z( x* o. z2 qHave a nice weekend!
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发表于 19.7.2008 20:27:48 | 只看该作者
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发表于 20.7.2008 12:57:28 | 只看该作者
楼上的,你是?? 4 B* B. m* J( a$ n5 m本周,就是26日,我会去 2 ~3 y6 p4 G+ ]; c0 I7 p: c不见不散啊 ( `6 |9 v0 {+ t/ ^+ ` * S6 J2 P7 q; H. j; }. m上周情况特殊 lita 周日上班 sinux 和 lp 在巴黎, 我下周2门考试
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 楼主| 发表于 25.7.2008 07:32:53 | 只看该作者
一楼已经更新! . O" V6 W5 `) {5 Z7 X + `/ V% ~# X# P$ ]# ], J! G1 ~8 _本周我也会去啊, 不见不散!
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