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慕尼黑英语角 *** munich english corner ***

发表于 25.7.2008 08:55:25 | 只看该作者
Thank LZ for updating!- t9 x( r: q. E0 m; l9 o+ f( m* j 0 J `( g1 f0 m, M$ Q& R Have fun guys, I will rejoin you next week !
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 楼主| 发表于 26.7.2008 21:40:23 | 只看该作者
今天英语角来的人都比较晚, 虽然我和另外一个人是先到的,也是已经迟到了大概15分钟。结果来了不久, Feeling的老板和我们说刚才在柜台喝饮料现在走掉的那个人是奔英语角来的。 结果我跑出去看也没有找到人。 在这里向这位非常准时的朋友道个歉。 因为可能你是第一次来英语角, 我们都没有认出你是来英语角的。 很抱歉让你白跑了一次。 欢迎你下次还来参加我们的英语角。后来又来了四个人, 我们聊的挺开心的。9 g. p3 [# i: w. n+ G4 S" F3 v 至于英语角以后的时间,今天来的人感觉还是周日比较合适,因为周六每个人都有些私事要解决, 可能时间比较紧张。欢迎跟帖讨论时间和地点的安排。
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发表于 26.7.2008 23:40:40 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 29.7.2008 13:39:12 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 31.7.2008 15:14:02 | 只看该作者
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 楼主| 发表于 7.8.2008 10:32:23 | 只看该作者
为奥运加油!!!$ P$ w8 I; ~3 M7 l9 Z0 G( ` 5 F% C: `( ]% T7 C9 @. ]# `! {4 S英语角暂停. 如果有谁想参加英语角请跟贴. 5人以上可以组织一次英语角. 时间是周日14:00. 地点可选.
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发表于 7.8.2008 11:51:30 | 只看该作者
We could still watch Olympic Games together! 7 R+ ]' J5 }9 o 0 K. t( _' H! c# w8 w1 Twish i could off work earlier on Friday!
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发表于 7.8.2008 15:25:34 | 只看该作者


原帖由 sinux 于 7.8.2008 12:51 发表 * _& e9 D8 o1 a/ d& L- uWe could still watch Olympic Games together! . q+ g' }: c! m) V0 [) f5 ` {+ R' a5 ^8 S7 y1 N wish i could off work earlier on Friday!
. e2 a* b* f; M% w/ T! c1 F- { * H1 V0 n% |( {. g& [2 ^* a1 A- n1 ^4 Y$ M( n, _. Y; B but where and when? 9 \# q0 ~# L t3 u+ ~ q& B& y; t% @ U no one want to go to lychee restaurant, i "ll I watch TV at home....
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发表于 8.8.2008 09:53:28 | 只看该作者
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发表于 26.8.2008 16:30:23 | 只看该作者
I am very impressed as i read this today...................., @! k9 |0 ?, m7 Y0 e ; Q# h* W% u4 `* y! R7 x( t1 k/ I$ D% @. G* C; y "Five teenage girls attacked a 24-year-old student on the U6 U-Bahn on Monday evening (July 28, 2008) because he was, in their opinion, talking too loudly on his mobile phone. The gang of youths insulted, spat, and physically attacked him. The student suffered bruises on the nose and skull. He had to be taken to hospital by ambulance. During the attack the victim pulled a knife and lightly injured a hand of one of his 15-year-old attackers. The U-Bahn was stopped at Nordfriedhof station. The girls were arrested by police then handed over to their parents. They will likely be charged with causing bodily harm, The teenagers should be congratulated, not convicted. Throw all annoying mobile phone users in a pit..........................."
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